Dissemination, communication and networking action plan

On-line: The project website will be launched by M4. Use of social media (LinkedIn, Twitter) will establish and maintain public engagement. A video about the project results will be available at M30 and widespread through the online channels. 6 newsletters will be produced. Off-line: local dissemination events to involve/engage local stakeholders, as well as workshops for more focused discussions. Dissemination activities: a) General Public: leaflets, brochures, posters, press releases (every 6 months). Partners will participate in high visibility events, such as the European Researchers’ Night, Science on Stage Festival, European Science Festival, etc. b) Scientific Community. The project will also be showcased at Conferences. c) Industrial Community: via industrial fairs and exhibitions, dissemination workshops will be organized to present the project and verify interest towards new products/technologies. Articles will be published in specialized newsletters and industry-focused magazines/trade journals targeting specific audiences.
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