NLR @ EFFRA WG Energy-WG Transport online meeting 31 May 2024

NLR @ EFFRA WG Energy-WG Transport online meeting 31 May 2024

Presentation by NLR @ EFFRA WG Energy-WG Transport online meeting 31 May 2024 (Presented by Johan Kos)

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240531_NLR_EFFRAWGTransport.pdf PDF
More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: - Watch the timestamped video on YouTube - Video starting at the part on R&I priorities for WP26-27 and FP10
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Company - key presentation
WG Transport sector
WG Energy sector
MiE_25-27_RP03: Recovering and preserving the European leadership in strategic and high value added products

Aircraft developments: 

  • Advanced air mobility
  • Electric propulsion
  • Hydrogen-powered propulsion
  • Application of novel materials and manufacturing concepts


Sustainability objectives less dominated by operation

Challenge for MiE: innovative Transport needs integrated balance between

  • Sustainable manufacturing objectives
  • Sustainable operation objectives
  • Other specific requirements (e.g, for safety)