Univ Lorraine @ EFFRA WG Human online meeting 6 June 2024

Univ Lorraine @ EFFRA WG Human online meeting 6 June 2024

Presentation by Univ Lorraine @ EFFRA WG Human online meeting 6 June 2024 (Presented by Alaa Hassan)

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260606_UniversityofLorraine-ERPI_EFFRA_WG_Human.pdf PDF
More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ctqdl2gXdGA&t=202 - Watch the timestamped video on YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ctqdl2gXdGA&t=718s - Video starting at the part on R&I priorities for WP26-27 and FP10
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Company - key presentation
WG Humans in the Workplace
MiE_25-27_RP12: Understanding the transformation of the factory work and organisation
  • How to support the organization in its human centric strategy of transition to new technologies?
  • How to reorganize tasks between humans and new technologies to get the best performance from the hybrid manufacturing system?
MiE_25-27_RP13: Augmentation of human capabilities for inclusive and socially sustainable manufacturing
MiE_25-27_RP13a: Physical augmentation of human capabilities for inclusive and socially sustainable manufacturing

How to improve the well being of the human in the workplace, while improving the manufacturing system's overall performance?

MiE_25-27_RP13b: Cognitive augmentation of human capabilities for inclusive and socially sustainable manufacturing

How new technologies should address human centric manufacturing?