CIMES @ EFFRA WG Circular online meeting 26 June 2024

CIMES @ EFFRA WG Circular online meeting 26 June 2024

Presentation by CIMES @ EFFRA WG Circular online meeting 26 June 2024 (Presented by Mathilde Bruyere)

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240624_CIMES_Circular.pdf PDF
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Web resources: - Watch the timestamped video on YouTube - Video starting at the part on R&I priorities for WP26-27 and FP10
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Company - key presentation
WG Circularity
Circular, connected manufacturing ecosystems
  • Address the environmental footprint in Manufacturing topics : encompass and monitor the ecological footprint beyond CO2. In particular include life cycle assessement (methods and tools)
  • Address in an integrated way the technologies and the implementation of circular schemes for the upcycling of waste and by products (including logitics and economics) 
  • Help manufacturing adapt to Supplier Relationship M input variability through tools like machine learning 
  • Solve problems in supply chains regarding the organizational aspects of production through industrial applications of AI
The next level of circular economy through scalable, highly productive and zero-defect re-manufacturing technologies
  • Data and AI, to provide decision support tools for the design and management of circular industrial systems that meet the right needs
  • Creation and implementation of advanced and automated disassembly and remanufacturing processes, encompassing the physical retrieval of products, dismantling, segregation, and categorization