University of Bergamo @ EFFRA WG Circularity session @ Mixed online meeting 27 June 2024

University of Bergamo @ EFFRA WG Circularity session @ Mixed online meeting 27 June 2024

Presentation by University of Bergamo @ EFFRA WG Circularity session @ Mixed online meeting 26 June 2024 (Presented by Christian Spreafico)

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240627_UniBergamo_Circular.pdf PDF
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Company - key presentation
WG Circularity
Recovering and preserving the European leadership in strategic and high value added products
  • To reduce environmental pressure according to the directives, Europe must develop a new way of evaluating and quantifying the impacts, especially of emerging technologies
  • The patents represent an industrial vision of technological forecasting and innovation to be monitored and considered during eco-design
  • Developing new tools based on artificial intelligence can speed up patent analysis, considering many more documents to improve the significance of the results
The next level of circular economy through scalable, highly productive and zero-defect re-manufacturing technologies

The patents represent an industrial vision of technological forecasting and innovation to be monitored and considered during eco-design