KCSTV @ EFFRA WG Energy Sector session @ Mixed online meeting 27 June 2024

KCSTV @ EFFRA WG Energy Sector session @ Mixed online meeting 27 June 2024

Presentation by KCSTV @ EFFRA WG Energy Sector session @ Mixed online meeting 26 June 2024 (Presented by Zoran Marinšek )

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240627_KCSTV_MaZ_EFFRA_WG-Eneg.pdf PDF
More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cACUNQqepN8&t=7171 - Watch the timestamped video on YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cACUNQqepN8&t=7507s - Video starting at the part on R&I priorities for WP26-27 and FP10
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Company - key presentation
WG Energy sector
Solutions for energy-efficiency for realising net-zero discrete manufacturing processes and value chains

Local Enegy Communities (LEC)

Target: green ecosystems “all over”, not only production factories

Integration: Integrated green ecosystems in energy supply and usage

User: Company as a nested green ecosystem: 

Supplier: Optimized building blocks (H2, RES, CHP,… ) for emerging markets 

Active participation in green energy exchange to help maintain competitive position on the market: “we are all energy producers and traders”

Key Enabling Technology: automated trading of flexible energy

KET: energy storage technologies, H2 carrying the flag

KET: new business models

LEC market size: A very rough guestimate is that LECs will account for half of the total energy use in the distribution grids.

It is estimated that H2LECwill be on average at least 75% self-sufficient, i.e.75% of green energy will be produced and used locally. 

A huge opportunity and challenge for users and suppliers; and new actors