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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.1 Excellent Science
HORIZON.1.3 Research infrastructures
HORIZON.1.3.1 Consolidating and Developing the Landscape of European Research Infrastructures
HORIZON.1.3.1 Consolidating and Developing the Landscape of European Research Infrastructures
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-01-01 Support to the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-01-03 Transition to digital/remote research infrastructure service provision: lessons learnt, needs and best practices
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-01-05 Support to the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG)
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-02-01 Preparatory phase of new ESFRI research infrastructure projects
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-02-02 Consolidation of the research infrastructure landscape – Individual support for ESFRI projects
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EMERGENCY-01 FAIR and open data sharing in support to European preparedness for COVID-19 and other infectious diseases
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-01 Supporting an EOSC-ready digitally skilled workforce
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-02 Supporting the development and coordination of activities of the EOSC Partnership
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-03 Deploying EOSC-Core components for FAIR
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-04 Innovative and customizable services for EOSC
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-05 Enabling discovery and interoperability of federated research objects across scientific communities
HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-06 FAIR and open data sharing in support of cancer research
HORIZON-INFRA-2022-DEV-01-01 Research infrastructure concept development
HORIZON-INFRA-2022-DEV-01-02 Cooperation, synergies and networking between research infrastructures and technology infrastructures
HORIZON-INFRA-2022-EOSC-01-01 Services and tools to underpin a research assessment system that incentivises open science practices
HORIZON-INFRA-2022-EOSC-01-02 Improving and coordinating technical infrastructure for institutional open access publishing across Europe
HORIZON-INFRA-2022-EOSC-01-03 FAIR and open data sharing in support of healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters
HORIZON-INFRA-2022-EOSC-01-04 Support for initiatives helping to generate global standards, specifications and recommendations for open sharing of FAIR research data, publications and software
HORIZON-INFRA-2023-DEV-01-01 Concept development for a research infrastructure to manage, integrate and sustain large medical cohort studies
HORIZON-INFRA-2023-DEV-01-02 Early phase implementation of ESFRI Projects which entered the ESFRI Roadmap in 2018
HORIZON-INFRA-2023-DEV-01-03 Consolidation of the RI landscape – Individual support for evolution and long-term sustainability of pan-European research infrastructures
HORIZON-INFRA-2023-DEV-01-04 Consolidation of the RI landscape – development of complementarities, synergies and/or integration between a set of pan- European research infrastructures
HORIZON-INFRA-2023-DEV-01-05 Preparation of common strategies for future development of RI technologies and services within broad RI communities
HORIZON-INFRA-2023-DEV-01-06 Strengthen the bilateral cooperation on research infrastructures with Latin America
HORIZON-INFRA-2023-DEV-01-07 Strengthening the international dimension of ESFRI and/or ERIC research infrastructures
HORIZON-INFRA-2023-DEV-01-08 Preparatory phase of new ESFRI research infrastructure projects
HORIZON-INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-01 Build on the science cluster approach to ensure the uptake of EOSC by research infrastructures and research communities
HORIZON-INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-02 Development of community-based approaches for ensuring and improving the quality of scientific software and code
HORIZON-INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-03 Planning, tracking, and assessing scientific knowledge production
HORIZON-INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-04 Next generation services for operational and sustainable EOSC Core Infrastructure
HORIZON-INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-06 Trusted environments for sensitive data management in EOSC
HORIZON-INFRA-2024-BE-CONF-ART195-IBA Belgian Presidency conference on research infrastructures
HORIZON-INFRA-2024-DEV-01-02 Strengthen the bilateral cooperation on research infrastructures with Africa
HORIZON-INFRA-2024-SESAME-IBA Strengthening the international dimension of ESFRI and/or ERIC research infrastructures – consolidating the SESAME facility