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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.6 Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
HORIZON.2.6.6 Bio-based Innovation Systems in the EU Bioeconomy
HORIZON.2.6.6 Bio-based Innovation Systems in the EU Bioeconomy
HORIZON-CL6-2021-CIRCBIO-01-05 Novel, non-plant biomass feedstocks for industrial applications
HORIZON-CL6-2021-CIRCBIO-01-07 Microbiomes for bio-based innovation and environmental applications
HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-07 Regional governance models in the bioeconomy
HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-08 Improving understanding of and engagement in bio-based systems with training and skills development
HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-09 Revitalisation of European local communities with innovative bio-based business models and social innovation
HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-10 Raising awareness of circular and sustainable bioeconomy in support of Member States to develop bioeconomy strategies and/or action plans
HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-11 Education on the bioeconomy including bio-based sectors for young people in primary and secondary education in Europe
HORIZON-CL6-2021-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-05 Environmental sustainability criteria for biological resources production and trade in bio-based systems: impacts and trade-offs
HORIZON-CL6-2021-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-06 Increasing the environmental performance of industrial processes in bio-based sectors: construction, woodworking, textiles, pulp and paper and bio-chemicals
HORIZON-CL6-2021-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-07 International and EU sustainability certification schemes for bio-based systems
HORIZON-CL6-2021-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-08 New genomic techniques (NGT): understanding benefits and risks – focus on bio-based innovation
HORIZON-CL6-2021-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-10 Environmental services: improved bioremediation and revitalization strategies for soil, sediments and water
HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-01-02 Marginal lands and climate-resilient and biodiversity-friendly crops for sustainable industrial feedstocks and related value chains
HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-01-03 Benefits of the transition towards sustainable circular bio-based systems from linear fossil-based
HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-02-02-two-stage Exploring extreme environments: novel adaptation strategies at molecular level for bio-based innovation
HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-02-03-two-stage Sustainable biodegradable novel bio-based plastics: innovation for sustainability and end-of-life options of plastics
HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-02-04-two-stage Photosynthesis revisited: climate emergency, “no pollution and zero-emission” challenge and industrial application
HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-02-05-two-stage Life sciences and their convergence with digital technologies for prospecting, understanding and sustainably using biological resources
HORIZON-CL6-2022-GOVERNANCE-01-04 Consumer-focused labelling options for bio-based products
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-IA-01 Biogenic carbon capture and use (CCU) for circular bio-based products
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-IA-02 Cooperative business models for the sustainable mobilisation and valorisation of agricultural residues, by-products, and waste in rural areas
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-IA-03 Cost-effective production routes towards bio-based alternatives to fossil-based chemical building blocks
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-IA-04 Co-processing of mixed bio-based waste streams
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-IAFlag-01 Maximum valorisation of sustainably sourced bio-based feedstock in multi-product, zero-waste, zero-pollution biorefinery
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-IAFlag-02 Alternative sources for high added value food and/or feed ingredients
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-R-01 High performance bio-based polymers for market applications with stringent requirements
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-R-02 Bio-based coatings, barriers, binders, and adhesives
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-R-03 Circular-by-design bio-based materials to improve the circularity of complex structures
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-R-04 Proteins from alternative and unconventional sources
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-R-05 Sustainable fibres biorefineries feedstock
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-S-01 Developing and validating monitoring systems of environmental sustainability and circularity: collection of best practices and benchmarks
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-01 Small scale biorefining in rural areas
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-02 Production of safe, sustainable, and efficient bio-based fertilisers to improve soil health and quality
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-03 Improve fermentation processes (including downstream purification) to final bio-based products
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-04 Recycling bio-based plastics increasing sorting and recycled content (upcycling).
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-05 Development of scalable, safe bio-based surfactants, with an improved sustainability profile
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-06 Selective, sustainable production routes towards bio-based alternatives to fossil-based chemical building blocks
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-07 High performance, circular-by design, biobased composites
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IAFlag-01 Optimised and integrated wood-based value chains
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IAFlag-02 Expansion and/or retro-fitting of biorefineries towards higher-value bio-based chemicals and intermediates
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IAFlag-03 Bio-based packaging materials with improved properties: barrier, food contact, forming, printability, safety, recyclability /circularity-by-design
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IAFlag-04 Valorisation of aquatic biomass waste and residues
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-01 Phyto-management; curing soil with industrial crops, utilising contaminated and saline land for industrial crop production
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-02 Optimised forest-based value chains for high value applications and improved forest management
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-03 Robust and optimised industrial biotech and chemical/industrial biotech processes
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-04 Development of novel, high-performance bio-based polymers and co-polymers
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-S-01 EU-wide network of pilot plants and testing facilities, improving SMEs and start-ups' access to scale-up
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-S-02 Supporting the capacity of regions in environmental sustainability assessment for the bio-based sectors
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-2-S-01 CBE JU supporting activities for the New European Bauhaus Academy, a network for re-skilling and upskilling towards a sustainable construction ecosystem