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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.4 Digital, Industry and Space
HORIZON.2.4.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON.2.4.0 Cross-cutting call topics
Mapped projects (26)
HORIZON-CL4-2021-CONF-1-IBA Presidency event (conference) in France: Industrial Technologies 2022
HORIZON-CL4-2021-ESNS-IBA European Startup Nations Standard
HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01-27 Innovation Radar, Tech Due Diligence and Venture Building for strategic digital technologies (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01-28 Re-opening industrial sites preparatory action – Promoting a sustainable strategy for Europe’s industrial future (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01-29 'Innovate to transform' support for SME's sustainability transition (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-ASSEMBLY-IBA Digital Assembly - Presidency Event 2023
HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-02-05 AI, Data and Robotics for Industry optimisation (including production and services) (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-02-06 Pushing the limit of physical intelligence and performance (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-02-07 Increased robotics capabilities demonstrated in key sectors (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-02-18 2D materials-based devices and systems for energy storage and/or harvesting (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-02-19 2D materials-based devices and systems for biomedical applications (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-HUMAN-02-01 AI for human empowerment (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-HUMAN-02-02 European Network of AI Excellence Centres: Expanding the European AI lighthouse (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-21 Leveraging standardisation in Digital Technologies (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-26 'Innovate to transform' support for SME's sustainability transition (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-11 Advanced lightweight materials for energy efficient structures (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-19 Advanced materials modelling and characterisation (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-20 Climate Neutral and Circular Innovative Materials Technologies Open Innovation Test Beds (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-02-01-PCP Boosting green economic recovery and open strategic autonomy in Strategic Digital Technologies through pre-commercial procurement (PCP action)
HORIZON-CL4-2022-SWEDEN-CONF-IND-IBA Presidency event (conference) in Sweden: EuroNanoForum 2023
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DATA-01-02 Integration of data life cycle, architectures and standards for complex data cycles and/or human factors, language (AI, data and robotics partnership) (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DATA-01-04 Cognitive Computing Continuum: Intelligence and automation for more efficient data processing (AI, data and robotics partnership) (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DATA-01-07 Collaboration with NSF on fundamental research on new concepts for distributed computing and swarm intelligence (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-01 Novel paradigms and approaches, towards AI-driven autonomous robots (AI, data and robotics partnership) (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-12 Adaptive multi-scale modelling and characterisation suites from lab to production (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-51 Pervasive photonics - multi-technology integration for digital infrastructure, sensors and internet of things (Photonics partnership)(RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-53 Versatile light sources and systems as tools for manufacturing and medical application (Photonics Partnership) (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-57 Advanced imaging and sensing technologies (IA)(Photonics Partnership)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-02 Industrial leadership in AI, Data and Robotics – advanced human robot interaction (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-11 Low TRL research in micro-electronics and integration technologies for industrial solutions (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-32 Sustainable safe-by-design 2D materials technology (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-33 2D materials of tomorrow (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-40 Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuit technologies (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-41 Investing in alternative quantum computation and simulation platform technologies (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-50 Next generation quantum sensing and metrology technologies (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-31 Toolbox for efficient IP licensing for market uptake and societal value creation (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-32 Piloting communities of expert facilitators to improve industry-academia-public sector co-creation (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-33 Fostering knowledge valorisation through societal and cultural interactions (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-51 Pilots for an innovative human-centric industry (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-52 Drivers and success factors for progress towards Industry 5.0 (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-54 Green and digital skills and training needs for a just transition (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-62 Boosting industrial symbiosis by standardisation (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-63 Provide for a strong and sustainable pool of experts for European Standardisation: attract the students of university/HEI
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-64 Pre-normative research and standardisation in industrial ecosystems (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-31 Toolbox for efficient IP licensing for market uptake and societal value creation (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-53: Localised and Urban Manufacturing, supporting creativity and the New European Bauhaus
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-54 Green and digital skills and training needs for a just transition (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-92 R&I cooperation with Sub-Saharan Africa (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-01 Efficient trustworthy AI - making the best of data (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-02 Large Scale pilots on trustworthy AI data and robotics addressing key societal challenges (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-03 Natural Language Understanding and Interaction in Advanced Language Technologies (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-04 Open innovation: Addressing Grand challenges in AI (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-12 Pilots for the Next Generation Internet (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-14 Next Generation Internet Commons Policy (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-21 Next Generation eXtended Reality (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-66 Promoting EU standards globally (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-82 Art-driven digital innovation: Towards human compatible and ecologically conscious technology (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-42 Boosting generation and diffusion of advanced technologies in SMEs based on a supply chain model (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-02 Innovative technologies for sustainable and decarbonised extraction (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-03 Technologies for processing and refining of critical raw materials (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-05 Recycling technologies for critical raw materials from EoL products (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-06 Earth Observation platform, products and services for raw materials (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-07 Expert network on Critical raw materials (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-09 Recyclability and resource efficiency of Rare Earth based magnets (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-21 Innovative methods for safety and sustainability assessments of chemicals and materials (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-22 Integrated approach for impact assessment of safe and sustainable chemicals and materials (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-23 Computational models for the development of safe and sustainable by design chemicals and materials (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-42 Boosting generation and diffusion of advanced technologies in SMEs based on a supply chain model (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-SPACE-01-11 End-to-end Earth observation systems and associated services
HORIZON-CL4-2023-SPACE-01-12 Future Space Ecosystem and Enabling Technologies
HORIZON-CL4-2023-SPACE-01-21 Low cost high thrust propulsion for European strategic space launchers - technologies maturation including ground system tests
HORIZON-CL4-2023-SPACE-01-31 Copernicus for Atmosphere and Climate Change, including CO2
HORIZON-CL4-2023-SPACE-01-62 Quantum Communication Technologies for space systems
HORIZON-CL4-2023-SPACE-01-63 Quantum Space Gravimetry Phase-A Study
HORIZON-CL4-2023-SPACE-01-71 Scientific exploitation of space data
HORIZON-CL4-2023-SPACE-01-72 Space technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness
HORIZON-CL4-2023-SSA-SST-SD-ART195 HORIZON-CL4-SSA-SST-SD - SST Networking, Security & Data sharing
HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-02: High-precision OR complex product manufacturing – potentially including the use of photonics (Made in Europe and Photonics Partnerships) (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-04: Factory-level and value chain approaches for remanufacturing (Made in Europe Partnership) (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-07: Achieving resiliency in value networks through modelling and Manufacturing as a Service (Made in Europe Partnership) (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-08: Foresight and technology transfer for Manufacturing As A Service (Made in Europe Partnership) (CSA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-31 Energy efficiency breakthroughs in the process industries (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-33 Electrification of high temperature heating systems (Processes4Planet Partnership) (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-36 Modelling industry transition to climate neutrality, sustainability and circularity (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-37 Hubs for circularity for near zero emissions regions applying industrial symbiosis and cooperative approach to heavy industrialized clusters and surrounding ecosystems (Processes4Planet partnership) (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-40 Sustainable and efficient industrial water consumption: through energy and solute recovery (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-42 Circular economy in process industries: Upcycling large volumes of secondary resources (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-43 Low carbon-dioxide emission technologies for melting iron-bearing feed materials OR smart carbon usage and improved energy & resource efficiency via process integration (Clean Steel Partnership) (IA)
HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-45 Circular economy solutions for the valorisation of low-quality scrap streams, materials recirculation with high recycling rate, and residue valorisation for long term goal towards zero waste (Clean Steel Partnership) (RIA)
HORIZON-CL4-2024-RESILIENCE-01-41 'Innovate to transform' support for SME's sustainability transition (CSA)
HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2021-COE-01-01 Centres of Excellence preparing applications in the Exascale era
HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2021-COE-01-02 Centres of Excellence for supporting supercomputing applications for Science and Innovation
HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2023-COE-01-01 Call on Centres Of Excellence For Exascale HPC Applications
HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2023-COE-01-01 Call on Centres Of Excellence For Exascale HPC Applications
HORIZON-EUSPA-2022-SPACE-02-51 EGNSS applications for Smart mobility
HORIZON-EUSPA-2022-SPACE-02-54 Copernicus downstream applications and the European Data Economy
HORIZON-EUSPA-2022-SPACE-02-55 Large-scale Copernicus data uptake with AI and HPC
HORIZON-EUSPA-2022-SPACE-02-56 Designing space-based downstream applications with international partners
HORIZON-EUSPA-2022-SPACE-02-61 GOVSATCOM Service developments and demonstrations
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-A-01-01 Green Radio Technology
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-A-01-02 Ubiquitous Radio Access
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-A-01-03 Sustainable Capacity Networks
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-A-01-04 Evolved Architecture for Global Green Systems
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-A-01-05 Edge Computing Evolution
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-A-01-06 Trustworthy and Reliable End-to-end connectivity Software platforms
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-A-01-07 Real-time Zero-touch Service Technologies
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-01 System Architecture
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-02 Wireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-03 Communication Infrastructure Technologies and Devices
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-04 Secure Service development and Smart Security
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-05 6G Holistic System
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-C-01-01 SNS experimental Infrastructure
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-CSA-02 SNS External Cooperation and Global 6G Events (G6GE)
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-D-01-01 SNS Large Scale Trials and Pilots (LST&Ps) with Verticals
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-01 System Architecture
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-02 Wireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-03 Communication Infrastructure Technologies and Devices
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-04 Reliable Services and Smart Security
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-05 Microelectronics-based Solutions for 6G Networks
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-CSA-01 SNS Societal Challenges
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-D-01-01 SNS Large Scale Trials and Pilots (LST&Ps) with Verticals – Focused Topic
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-01 System Architecture
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-02 Wireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-05 Microelectronics-based Solutions for 6G Networks
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-06 EU-US 6G R&I Cooperation
HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-C-01-01 Complementary SNS experimental Pan-EU federated Infrastructure
HORIZON-MISS-2022-CLIMA-01-06 Testing and demonstrating transformative solutions on climate resilience, mainstreaming nature based solutions in the systemic transformation
HORIZON-MISS-2023-CIT-01-02 Positive clean energy district (PED) digital twins – from modelling to creating climate neutral Cities
HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-01-01 European Blue Parks – Protection and restoration of marine habitats
HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-01-02 Danube river basin lighthouse – Demonstration of effective and sustainable management of sediments in the Danube river-Black sea system
HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-01-04 European natural lakes: demonstration of integrated approaches for protection and restoration of natural lake ecosystems and their biodiversity
HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-01-08 Integration of socio-ecological models into the Digital Twin Ocean
HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-01 Discovering the subsoil
HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-02 Soil pollution processes – modelling and inclusion in advanced digital decision-support tools
HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-03 Onsite digital technologies to monitor nutrients and chemical or biological stressors in soil and plants with relevance for food safety and nutrition
HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-04 Innovations to prevent and combat desertification
HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-05 Soil-friendly practices in horticulture, including alternative growing media
HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-06 Soils in spatial planning
HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-07 Back to earth: bringing communities and citizens closer to soil
HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-08 Co-creating solutions for soil health in Living Labs
HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-09 Carbon farming in living labs