MiE_25-27_RP14: Digitally enabled upskilling, qualification and job transformation

  • There is a competence shift in manufacturing processes which is accelerated by the transition towards a zero-net industry (see also the priorities ‘Recovering and preserving the European leadership in critical and high value added products’ and ‘Next level of scalable, highly productive and zero-defect re-manufacturing technologies’. 
  • This competence shift requires the upskilling and/or reskilling of personnel and the empowerment of young professionals in manufacturing.    Similar to the priority ‘Digitally enabled compliance and integration of innovative manufacturing solutions’, the upskilling and the qualification of workers should be further supported by digital technologies, while respecting privacy aspects associated to personal information.  For instance, augmented reality solutions can be used to quality workers remotely.
  • Digital tools can support career development of workers by providing guidance towards new opportunities in manufacturing and matching workers’ capabilities with job profiles.