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Standards - other classifications
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MiE SRIA R&I Priorities
MiE WP26-27 Consultation - Potential Research Topics only
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MiE WP26-27 Consultation with pointers to WP25-27 consultation
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Technologies and enablers
Information and communication technologies
Information and communication technologies
Mapped projects (147)
Mapped results (128)
Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI
Data processing
Data acquisition
Data analytics
Data modelling
Data storage
Cognitive and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies - machine learning
Standards for AI
IoT - Internet of Things
ISO/IEC 30118 series - Information technology -Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) Specification
ISO/IEC 30147 - Information technology - Internet of things -Methodology for trustworthiness of IoT system/service
ISO/IEC 30149 - Internet of things (IoT) -Trustworthiness framework
ISO/IEC 30161 - Internet of Things (IoT) -Requirements of IoT data exchange platform for various IoT services
ISO/IEC 30141:2018 - Internet of Things (loT) — Reference Architecture
ISO/IEC 30162 - Internet of Things (IoT) -Compatibility requirements and model for devices within industrial IoT systems
ISO/IEC 30163 - Internet of Things (IoT) -System requirements of IoT/SN technology-based integrated platform for chattel asset monitoring supporting financial services
ISO/IEC 30165 - Internet of Things (IoT) -Real-time IoT framework
ISO/IEC 30166:2020 - Internet of things (IoT) — Industrial IoT
ISO/IEC TR 30164:2020 - Internet of things (IoT) -Edge Computing
ISO/IEC 21823-1:2019 - Internet of things (IoT) — Interoperability for IoT systems — Part 1: Framework
ISO/IEC 20924:2018 - Information technology — Internet of Things (IoT) — Vocabulary
IIRA:2019 - The Industrial Internet of ThingsVolume G1: Reference Architecture Version 1.9
IEEE P2413:2019 - Architectural Framework for the Internet of Things (IoT)
DIN SPEC 91406:2019-12 - Automatic identification of physical objects and information on physical objects in IT systems, particularly IoT systems
ISO/IEC TR 22417:2017 - Information technology — Internet of things (IoT) use cases
ISO/IEC 29161:2016 - Information technology — Data structure — Unique identification for the Internet of Things
Human Machine Interfaces
Advanced and ubiquitous human machine interaction
Augmented reality
Data visualisation
Virtual reality
Programming Frameworks – Software Development Kits (SDKs)
Operating systems
Data spaces
Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
Standards for data spaces
Programming Languages