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FoF and Made in Europe Partnership
H2020 - Factories of the Future
H2020 - Factories of the Future
Mapped projects (178)
FoF-01-2014 Process optimisation of manufacturing assets
FoF-02-2014 Manufacturing processes for complex structures and geometries with efficient use of material
FoF-03-2014 Global energy and other resources efficiency in manufacturing enterprises
FoF-04-2014 Developing smart factories that are attractive to workers
FoF-05-2014 Innovative Product-Service design using manufacturing intelligence
FoF-07-2014 Support for the enhancement of the impact of FoF PPP projects
FoF-06-2014 Symbiotic human-robot collaboration for safe and dynamic multimodal manufacturing systems
FoF-08-2015 ICT-enabled modelling, simulation, analytics and forecasting technologies
FoF-09-2015 ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS)
FoF-10-2015 Manufacturing of custom made parts for personalised products
FoF-11-2015 Flexible production systems based on integrated tools for rapid reconfiguration of machinery and robots
FoF-12-2015 Industrial technologies for advanced joining and assembly processes for multi-materials
FoF-13-2015 Re-use and remanufacturing technologies and equipment for sustainable product lifecycle management
FoF-14-2015 Integrated design and management of production machinery and processes
FOF-01-2016 Novel hybrid approaches for additive and subtractive manufacturing machines
FOF-02-2016 Machinery and robot systems in dynamic shop floor environments using novel embedded cognitive functions
FOF-03-2016 Zero-defect strategies at system level for multi-stage manufacturing in production lines
FOF-04-2016 Continuous adaptation of work environments with changing levels of automation in evolving production systems
FOF-05-2016 Support for the further development of Additive Manufacturing technologies in Europe
FOF-11-2016 Digital automation
FOF-13-2016 Photonics Laser-based production
FOF-06-2017 New product functionalities through advanced surface manufacturing processes for mass production
FOF-07-2017 Integration of unconventional technologies for multi-material processing into manufacturing systems
FOF-08-2017 In-line measurement and control for micro-/nano-enabled high-volume manufacturing for enhanced reliability
FOF-09-2017 Novel design and predictive maintenance technologies for increased operating life of production systems
FOF-10-2017 New technologies and life cycle management for reconfigurable and reusable customised products
FOF-12-2017 ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS)
DT-FOF-01-2018 Skills needed for new Manufacturing jobs (CSA)
DT-FOF-02-2018 Effective Industrial Human-Robot Collaboration (RIA)
DT-FOF-03-2018 Innovative manufacturing of opto-electrical parts (RIA)
DT-FOF-04-2018 Pilot lines for metal Additive Manufacturing (IA 50%)
DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories
DT-FOF-05-2019 Open Innovation for collaborative production engineering (IA)
DT-FOF-06-2019 Refurbishment and re-manufacturing of large industrial equipment (IA)
DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories
DT-FOF-08-2019 Pilot lines for modular factories (IA 50%)
DT-FOF-12-2019 Handling systems for flexible materials (RIA)
ICT-08-2019 Security and resilience for collaborative manufacturing environments
DT-FOF-07-2020 Assembly of micro parts (RIA)
DT-FOF-09-2020 Energy-efficient manufacturing system management (IA)
DT-FOF-10-2020 Pilot lines for large-part high-precision manufacturing (IA 50%)
DT-FOF-11-2020 Quality control in smart manufacturing (IA)
DT-ICT-03-2020 I4MS (phase 4) - uptake of digital game changers
ICT-38-2020 Artificial intelligence for manufacturing