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Intelligent data-driven pipeline for the manufacturing of certified metal parts through Direct Energy Deposition processes
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IEEE Access and INTEGRADDE invites manuscript submissions in the area of Metal Additive Manufacturing!
Submission Deadline: 30 November 2021
IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Metal Additive Manufacturing.
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a main driver of the Industry 4.0 paradigm. While the additive manufacturing of plastics is common, metal additive manufacturing processes still face several research challenges. The high cost and unpredictable defects in final parts and products are preventing complete deployment and adoption of additive manufacturing in the metalworking industries. Several aspects need improvement, including robustness, stability, repeatability, speed and right-first-time manufacturing. Nevertheless, its potential to the production of structural parts is significant, from the medical to the aeronautics industry.
This Special Section in IEEE Access will bring together academia and industry to discuss technical challenges and recent results related to additive manufacturing. Theoretical, numerical and experimental development in this domain are welcome. The articles are expected to report original findings or innovative concepts featuring different topics related to metal additive manufacturing. Industry-related studies are welcome, especially the ones demonstrating advanced applications of metal additive manufacturing in challenging scenarios.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Data interoperability
- Data analytics
- Digitalization and data security
- Topologic optimization
- Additive manufacturing building strategy
- Multi-physics process simulation and modeling
- Product engineering optimization
- Testing and characterization
- Zero defect manufacturing and process control
- Quality assurance
- From CAD design to real part production
- Advanced industry applications
We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility and downloads of articles.
Associate Editor: Pedro Neto, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Guest Editors:
- Mustafa Megahed, ESI Group, Germany
- Matthew Gilbert, The University of Sheffield, UK
- Kaixiang Peng, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
- Felix Vidal, AIMEN Technology Centre, Spain
- Leroy Gardner, Imperial College London, UK
- Xuemin Chen, Texas Southern University, USA
- Stasha Lauria, Brunel University London, UK
Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:
- Advanced Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Smart Manufacturing
- Key Technologies for Smart Factory of Industry 4.0
- Advances in Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing for Industry Applications
IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Derek Abbott, University of Adelaide
Article submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: pedro.neto@dem.uc.pt.
Digital Thread for Additive Manufacturing: Integradde´s video is out now!
This video shows how the Integradde´s Digital Thread for Additive Manufacturing works step by step and how it has been validated in 4 Pilot Lines across Europe in real manufacturing conditions!
> Watch the Integradde´s video here!
Would you like to implement Additive Manufacturing in your production processes at no cost? Apply to Integradde´s Expression of Interest!
European SMEs and MidCaps willing to implement Additive Manufacturing in their production processes are called to participate in the Integradde´s Expression of Interest (EOI). The selected winners will access the expertise and services (valued in 20K/service) provided by Integradde´s Open Pilot Network AT NO COST!
Make sure to submit your application before September 30th: https://expression-of-interest-integradde.fundingbox.com/
Learn how to build a winning application: Join us on September 8th at 11:00 for the Integradde´s EOI Infoday!
We have some tips for you to help you build a winning application! Join us at the Integradde´s EOI Infoday that will take place on September 8th at 11:00 CEST where we will address some frequently asked questions about the process and useful guidelines to make an outstanding application also, if you have some other questions or doubts this is the time for you to take the stage and get answers!
Integradde´s Expression of Interest is open as from today (June 1st)
The INTEGRADDE project launched today (June 1st) an Expression of Interest (EOI) Call, oriented to European SMEs and Midcaps willing to implement Advanced Manufacturing solutions in their production process.
The call will be open from June 1st until September 30th and will select 5 companies to receive selected services (such as Free-Trials) from the ‘Network of Open Pilots Lines’ Catalogue of Services.
The Expression of Interest will choose 5 beneficiaries which will receive services from the ‘Network of Open Pilots Lines’ catalogue of services. The open pilot line network is made of four RTOs, each of them providing different schemes and AM processes:
- AIMEN Technology Centre: owning different robot-based cells for LMD-powder (LMD-p).
- WEST: owning different robot-based cells for WAAM and LMD-wire (LMD-w).
- CEA: provides access to robot-based workstation for WAAM and different equipment for inspection of AM components.
- IREPA: owning CNC-based cells for LMD-p and robot-based LMD-w with capability to process Titanium.
One additional beneficiary will receive these services from MX3D, the innovation leader in 3D metal printing and partner of INTEGRADDE.
The entire application process is carried out through the open call management site hosted at Fundingbox, while the information about the EOI is published in the Integradde community (make sure to join!)
Check the Guide For Applicants for information on the requirements for participation and the detailed free services the winners will get in the link below and APPLY NOW!
Registration is now open for INTEGRADDE Online trainings!
Join the INTEGRADDE training sessions: Additive Manufacturing for Manufacturers and Final Users
The INTEGRADDE consortia has come together to offer you a 2-part online training session on June 25th and July 2nd on Additive Manufacturing.
This is an optimal way of transferring the knowledge and know-how obtained through the development of the project activities to the entire sector, including academia, professionals and public authorities.
The main objectives of these trainings are, on one hand, present the benefits for the industry of the technologies developed within project and, on the other hand, boost the acceptance and integration of the project results in the Advanced Manufacturing value chain.
This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for entities and professionals in the sector to get first-hand information on how to apply these technologies, gain confidence about their use and stay at the forefront of the industry´s future.
On the agenda:
The first session will take place on June 25th and will be oriented to manufacturers. The main topics covered will be:
- Design for Additive Manufacturing
- Material procurement
- Process with focus on WAAM and Laser
- Post processing
The second session will take place on July 2nd and will be oriented to final users. The main topics covered will be:
- General introduction to Additive Manufacturing
- Market of Additive Manufacturing and expectations
- Modelling
- HSE (Health, safety and environmental protection in the manufacturing sector)
- Standardization
- Quality and Certification
Both sessions, organised by Bureau Veritas, will be taught by experts from top-level organisations and companies, among them:
- ESI Group
- MX3D
- German Institute for Standardization (DIN)
- AIMEN Technology Centre
- Bureau Veritas Group
- Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation at University of Patras
Do not miss this opportuniy and BOOK YOUR TICKET here!
Join the INTEGRADDE community for more events and opportunities in Advanced Manufacturing.
An Open Pilot Line at IREPA LASER
IREPA LASER is an industrial research and development company specialized in laser processes and materials, with a laser machine base including over 20 devices to support all companies in their needs.
The main service is to offer customers tailored industrial solutions to support them in their product development and manufacturing engineering projects. This service is focused on three main skill areas: Additive Manufacturing, surface functionalization and welding. IREPA LASER is also a laser training centre and can train individuals in the use of laser technology.
IREPA LASER is involved within INTEGRADDE project for the development of a new manufacturing methodology capable of ensuring the manufacturability, reliability and quality of a target metal component from initial product design via Direct Energy Deposition (DED) technologies. An open-pilot line will be implemented at IREPA LASER, which will allow a continuous validation and deployment of specific developments towards industrialization.
The general INTEGRADDE concept and end-to-end the solution is being deployed at IREPA facilities to test and review as early adopter of this manufacturing methodology. Data collected from different steps are implemented through the digital thread with the final aim to improve the quality of the parts manufactured.
The development of this concept uses of the equipment features of IREPA LASER.
A machine is dedicated to DED-powder (MAGIC system) with 2 lasers (IPG YLR500, and IPG DLR2000), the original MacroCLAD head from IREPA LASER, and a powder feeder from MEDICOAT.
A new hardware has been recently implemented at IREPA LASER. This new robotic system consists of 2 robots, one of which is installed on a linear 5m axis, a rotary table able to support 3T. 2 fibre lasers (IPG laser YLS) bring their laser beam to the DED-powder and DED-wire heads. Profinet network is used to connect and control all this equipment. This novel machine has been designed in order to work on a large scale parts (up to 5m long), with the selected two processes: DED-powder and DED-wire.
Using previous existing LMD-p infrastructure, several developments on process window development, monitoring and control have been carried out. Particularly, efforts have been focused on data collection from CNC and image-based process monitoring information. Data are collected from process sensors (such as image-based data from an NIT camera, temperature) and CNC positions synchronously during the additive manufacturing process. These datasets have been processed, in collaboration with AIMEN, NIT, ATOS and CEA, to generate a 3D representation of the parts being built.
Concerning the digital thread, IREPA has recently migrated on a new CAD-CAM software: SIEMENS NX with the ‘multiaxis deposition module’ for DED machine programming. In collaboration with the partner ‘University of Coimbra’, the use of the AML format in development.
Process development is carried out by using the two DED processes: DED-p and DED-w.
Concerning the DED-w, the PRECITEC Head named ‘Coax Printer’ is used. The upgraded version of this head has been recently received and implemented. It allows recording the interaction between beam-wire-substrate during the deposition with a coaxial vision in order to get more data for the control process.
Standardization in INTEGRADDE
In research projects, especially when public funding is provided, the effective, economic usability of the results is increasingly in the focus. Research projects must therefore be holistically and long-term oriented. For this purpose, DIN offers many years of expertise to provide optimum support for the market transfer and dissemination of innovative results from research and development.
In INTEGRADDE, DIN is the partner for questions concerning standardization. DIN coordinates the standardization activities of the project. These activities comprise the knowledge transfer regarding standardization, the development of an overview of the current standardization landscape in the subject area AM as well as the development of accompanying standardization measures.
To foster the knowledge transfer a special standardization training was developed aiming to enable the project partners to develop and pursue joint standardization activities.
The overview of the current standardization landscape provides a detailed research on relevant standardization committees and corresponding standards.
In the case of INTEGRADDE, it quickly became clear that ISO/TC 261 "Additive Manufacturing" is trend-setting in AM and that close cooperation should be targeted.
Due to the very different knowledge base in INTEGRADDE about standardization DIN has developed a standardization training especially for the INTEGRADDE project. The aim of the training was to provide knowledge enabling the project partners to develop and pursue joint standardization activities. Furthermore, the training emphasizes the high relevance of standardization for AM and is meant to motivate the project partners to follow current developments in standardization committees as well as to document and disseminate the knowledge acquired in INTEGRADDE in the long term. The training is divided into the following five chapters: Meaning, structure, integration, AM, follow-up. Each chapter has its own conclusion with the most important information in order to realize an easy understanding and the highest possible absorption of the knowledge.
The training provides information on why it is important to push the issue of standardization both from the beginning and continuously and what the benefits of standardization are. This is followed by an explanation of the basic principles of the working method and the underlying process. The third chapter presents the possibilities for participation and gives an assessment of the resources required for participation.
In the chapter specifically focusing on AM, the most important standards are listed and the standards research carried out is explained. In addition, the structure of the standardization committees in the area of AM is explained before finally reaching a conclusion with the most essential information.
After these cornerstones were laid, the actual standardization started. Challenges faced by the project partners due to gaps in standardization were assessed with the help of a two day workshop. On day one the project partners were asked to position themselves within the INTEGRADDE process as well as to identify and to prioritize current challenges with regard to standardization. On the second day of the workshop the challenges were compared to current and planned standardization projects of ISO/TC 261. These comparisons have been discussed and it was determined in which projects INTEGRADDE should participate or comment. The following key issues of INTEGRADDE for standardization could be identified:
· Digital thread
· Quality assessment (operator, machines, process)
· Software interoperability
· Process safety
· Testing (software, non-destructive, destructive)
· Properties(feedstock conditions, material, finished parts (e.g. defects))
· Design methods
· Terminology
Based on these results a common standardization strategy for the INTEGRADDE project has been prepared. Especially the standardization idea of the "digital thread" for which there is currently no current or planned standardization project is of great importance for the INTEGRADDE project. For this reason, the project is currently striving for close cooperation with ISO/TC 261/WG 4 "Data and Design". With the development of the standardization strategy, an important milestone was accomplished regarding standardization. The further implementation of this strategy will be coordinated and supported by DIN.
As steps in standardization DIN will continue to pursue a close collaboration between the standardization bodies and INTEGRADDE. One step will be to contribute to the assessed standardization projects. DIN further will identify the responsible groups within ISO/TC 261 for the remaining standardization ideas and check how these can be addressed best.