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Basic information
Website: http://www.sabanciuniv.edu/eng/
Country: Türkiye
EC Portal: Visit
General description

About Us

Sabancı University (SU) is internationally recognized as one of the most innovative and research-oriented universities in Turkey. Recently built, the Sabancı University Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Research and Application Center (SU-IMC) is an industrial-scale research and technology development facility aiming to help all sectors in the field of advanced integrated manufacturing technologies as well as providing an environment to support component design, manufacturing and process prototyping. The SU-IMC was built with an investment of 27M € to provide facilities for both fundamental and applied research, product development, graduate and life-long education. It also acts as a center for incubation services as well as commercialization opportunities in composite manufacturing technologies. SU-IMC was established as a result of the collaboration between Sabancı University and KordSA. KordSA is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of industrial nylon and polyester yarn, tire cord fabric and single end cord. The SU-IMC occupies a 15.000 m2 state-of-the art building situated at the Technopark İstanbul, the largest thematic technopark in Turkey. The SU-IMC serves stakeholders throughout different stages of the R&D cycle depending on the customer’s requirements, encompassing basic research, prototyping and pilot production. The SU-IMC was built with a capacity of employing 15 faculty members, more than 90 graduate and undergraduate students, and about 40 researchers, engineers and support staff. The facilities include: Prepreg Production Lines, Composite Reinforcement R&D Centre, Wet Chemistry Laboratory, Material Characterization Laboratory, Polymer Processing Laboratory, Additive Manufacturing Laboratory, Advanced Composite Laboratory, Mechanical Characterization and Non-destructive Testing Laboratory, Clean Room and Autoclaves, and Robotics and Unconventional Manufacturing Laboratory, Computational Advanced Design.


Sabancı University Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Research and Application Center (SU-IMC) bridges research and innovation gaps through the transfer of technical and management experience from our partners and mentors. SU-IMC proposes to be the center of innovation and cutting edge technology with a distinctive vision of combining advanced manufacturing including additive and unconventional manufacturing, and advanced composites technologies into integrated manufacturing and designed-for-manufacturing with high technology readiness levels and manufacturing readiness levels. The Center addresses the different spectra of value chains in integrated manufacturing and testing of composites on a single mission, but rather, establishing an integrated platform leading to a successfully operating and functioning international research and development institution.

SU-IMC’s principal focuses on innovative integrated and hybrid technologies that allow the value added design and enhance the manufacturing capabilities for multiple industries selected by methodological analysis to increase EU’s global competitiveness.

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