HI-MICRO | High Precision Micro Production Technologies

The Hi-Micro project intends to realise an innovative approach for the design, manufacturing and quality control of tool inserts to achieve significant breakthrough in mass production of precision 3D micro-parts, through further developing both enabling manufacturing technologies, including additive manufacturing (AM), micro electrical discharge machining (micro-EDM), micro electro-chemical machining (micro-ECM) and micro-milling, and unique metrology and quality control methods such as computer-tomography (CT) metrology and digital holography. Together with industrial technology providers, the Hi-Micro project will further bolster the performance of industrial equipment for mass production of precision 3D micro-parts, through modular design of tool insert units with improved thermal management capability, development of on-machine handling system and in-line quality control device. Activities will run over the entire value chain of mass production of precision 3D micro-parts, from product and tool insert design, manufacturing of tool inserts, micro injection moulding processes, to the production equipment and quality control in the whole production chain. In order to tackle the identified challenges and critical problems, the Hi-Micro project will provide radical innovations and major breakthroughs as follows: - Development of design and tolerance guidelines for advanced micro manufacturing of components (nominal size
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: http://www.hi-micro.eu
Start date: 01-10-2012
End date: 30-09-2015
Total budget - Public funding: 5 150 146,00 Euro - 3 499 997,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The Hi-Micro project intends to realise an innovative approach for the design, manufacturing and quality control of tool inserts to achieve significant breakthrough in mass production of precision 3D micro-parts, through further developing both enabling manufacturing technologies, including additive manufacturing (AM), micro electrical discharge machining (micro-EDM), micro electro-chemical machining (micro-ECM) and micro-milling, and unique metrology and quality control methods such as computer-tomography (CT) metrology and digital holography. Together with industrial technology providers, the Hi-Micro project will further bolster the performance of industrial equipment for mass production of precision 3D micro-parts, through modular design of tool insert units with improved thermal management capability, development of on-machine handling system and in-line quality control device. Activities will run over the entire value chain of mass production of precision 3D micro-parts, from product and tool insert design, manufacturing of tool inserts, micro injection moulding processes, to the production equipment and quality control in the whole production chain.
In order to tackle the identified challenges and critical problems, the Hi-Micro project will provide radical innovations and major breakthroughs as follows:
• Development of design and tolerance guidelines for advanced micro manufacturing of components (nominal size



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FoF and Made in Europe Partnership

Factories of the Future Partnership - Made in Europe Partnership

FP7 - Factories of the Future
FoF.NMP.2012-5 - High precision production technologies for high quality 3D micro-parts
Project type - instrument
Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP)
Manufacturing performance characteristics
Economic sustainability
Environmental sustainability
Material efficiency
Reduction of material consumption (in %)
Comment: It can be claimed zero-waste of mwterial by using additive manufacturing. But this claim is not true in the perspective of the full process chain.
Waste minimisation
Reduction of waste (in %)
Comment: Difficult to estimate. But the scrap rate of the micro-injection moulded parts is reduced dramatically.
Reducing emissions in manufacturing processes
Reduction of CO2 emissions (in %)
Comment: Difficult to estimate.
Reducing the consumption of energy
Reduction of energy consumption (in %)
Comment: Difficult to estimate
Technologies and enablers
Advanced material processing technologies
Methods for handling of parts, metrology and inspection
Integration of non-conventional technologies and conventional technologies
Innovative physical, chemical and physicochemical processes
Additive manufacturing
Mechatronics and robotics technologies
Measurement, sensing, condition and performance monitoring technologies
Engineering tools
System modelling - digital twins, simulation
Manufacturing future products
Manufacturing the products of the future
Novel materials
Complex structures, geometries and scale
Resource efficient, sustainable products
Business model aspects
NACE code
C24 Manufacture of basic metals
Result items:
The enabling technologies covered by realizing this demonstrator are suitibale for manufacturing a large number of metals and metallic alloys.
C28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
Result items:
This demonstrator is a critical part in a high-end watch.
Result items:
Industrial printing on high-end tiles
Result items:
Consumables (printers at offices and homes)