• Comment: The Micro-FAST process makes optimal use of materials supplied, with its highly monitored production chain. Powders not employed in a single process can be collected and re-introduced in the manufacturing system.
    • Comment: The incidence of defective parts will be significantly low thanks to the monitoring of all the stages of production. Due to the high level of precision requested in miniaturized mechanical parts, one of the main goals of the project is the achievement of near-zero defects in components realized.
    • Comment: In the project frame, different studies are conducted about the re-process of raw materials not possessing the required characteristics, in order to minimize the discarded amount. Efficiency in the production stage is guaranteed by the high level of control in the process and the optimization of resource statuses ("stand-by functionalities of certain components). Innovative solutions in dealing with end-of-life products are subject of research.
    • Comment: The Micro-FAST machine will include the in-line consideration of the energy needs for the specific process steps during their control and scheduling in order to reduce energy wastage and energy consumption peaks. This will be achieved increasing process stability and optimization of the maintenance cycles.