Projects overview

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Organisation AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GMBH (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH)
Comments ledger technology ICT performance characteristics Security mechanisms and technologies Cybersecurity Real-time communication capability ICT performance characteristics Privacy ICT performance characteristics
 Assessment of technology Result title Assessment of technology
 "Applicability of Use Case and Building Blocks for ""Air Quality Monitoring"" Demonstrated" Result description The HW and SW components utilized in the UC will be demonstrated featuring technology from the linked technology lines.
 Distributed ledger technology Taxon title Distributed ledger technology
 Interoperability (ICT) Taxon description In the context of information technology, interoperability refers to the ability of different systems and devices to exhange information.
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Description cost-effectiveness) of Future Internet (FI) technologies (i.e. edge & cloud computing, IoT/CPS) for factory automation, their adoption from manufacturers remains low for various reasons, including technology
Comments The distributed ledger, for example, will be a customization of a generic, open source Blockchain platform (Hyperledger Fabric).
 Distributed ledger technology for decentralization of manufacturing processes Result title Distributed ledger technology for decentralization of manufacturing processes
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FAR-EDGE (Factory Automation Edge Computing Operating System Reference Implementation) Result description "Industry 4.0 is the integration of Information Technology and Operational Technology into what is sometimes called the “smart and connected factory”.
 Interoperability (ICT) Taxon description In the context of information technology, interoperability refers to the ability of different systems and devices to exhange information.
 Data/object model interoperability - Data exchange formats - APIs Comments The distributed ledger, for example, will be a customization of a generic, open source Blockchain platform (Hyperledger Fabric).
 Information and communication technologies Comments The distributed ledger, for example, will be a customization of a generic, open source Blockchain platform (Hyperledger Fabric).