QU4LITY - KOLEKTOR PILOT (from QU4LITY ) mapped on
Smart and Analytical operator

General desciption of Smart and Analytical operator:

The smart and analytical operator is assisted by an Intelligent Personal Assistant (IPA). This is a software agent or artificial intelligence that has been developed to help a smart operator in interfacing with machines, computers, databases and other information systems as well as managing time commitments and performing tasks or services in a human-like interaction.  (More information: White paper - Human-centred factories from theory to industrial practice. Lessons learned and recommendations)



With the help of skilled production line workers, the data in the AI platform can be annotated and herewith produce the predictive models for ZDM autonomous quality inspection. The platform gives users the ability to monitor the AQ process (Autonomous Quality) and provide feedback for the ZDM.

To acquire quality data, all involved users and managers must understand some basic data science principles. Machine vision in modern times relies on large amount of consistent data. Data acquisition process begins with organized collection of samples, which should become an integral part of every standardized manufacturing process that involves automated quality inspection or ZDM.


#Skills requirement
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