Report about the bridging provided to the Industry 4.E Lighthouse Initiative

"This deliverable reports on the activities of the CSA and LIASE, that will take place from M25-M30, as the CSA-Industry4.E provides key bridging effort for the communities activities as we collectively move between the framework programmes-from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe. Information will include an update on additional effort (from M25-M30) related to the following tasks: - Task 2.1 Establishing a communication platform for all stakeholders (M1-24) - lead IMR, data collection support: VTT MGEP & S2i - Task 2.2 Bringing projects together (M3-18) - lead VTT, supported by IMR, MGEP & S2i Task 2.4 Vision and mission White Paper support (M12-18) - lead IMR, support AquaTT, in collaboration with LIASE. - Task 5.1 Project Management (M1-24) - lead IMR - Task 5.2. Administrative, financial and risk management (M1-24) - lead: IMR - Task 5.3. Secretariat services to LIASE in their engagement with the ECSEL JU governing board (M1-24) - lead IMR D21 will be a report on the additional effort (from M25-M30) related to the following deliverables: - D2.1 D4 Report presenting the operational platform - D2.2 D5 Summary reports of the workshop on bringing projects together - D2.6 D9 Support the LIASE to develop a White paper on ""Industry 4.E vision and mission strategyā€¯ supported by AQUATT - D5.1 D17 Compile Minutes of the project meetings; - D5.2 D18 Report about secretariat support provided to the LIASE; & - D5.4 D20 Result and analysis of KPIs."
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