Landing gear retraction actuator assembly: Manual deburring operation | Assembly process (CESA)


CESA use case comprises the assembly of the retraction actuator for a commercial aircraft main landing gear. Two scenarios apply for this use case, i) an essential deburring operation, and ii) the assembly process itself. As such, challenges emerge from the lack of good ergonomics conditions and the need of wearing safety measures to avoid the related health issues. Moreover, there is a high variability in the deburring process, potentially causing quality issues and reducing productivity. On the contrary, assembly information is fragmented through different platforms, complex assembly instructions are not adapted to technicians’ profiles, training is long and complex and feedback gathering mechanisms from technicians must be improved.


To incorporate a robot to assist the worker in the deburring
operation | To incorporate AR based guidance based on operator’s profile
as well supporting knowledge sharing.


To increase the quality, efficiency and ergonomics of the deburring
process | To reduce operators training time through AR; to reduce time for
reviewing documentation; to increase confidence, participation, and
internal communication among the personnel.

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Country: ES
Address: GETAFE (Madrid)
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A collaborative robotic cell has been implemented for the deburring operation where the robot executes the most exhausting phases, while the worker focuses on final quality inspection. Regarding the assembly process, an AR solution, using ultra-real animations has been implemented to guide operators through tasks. Additional AR functionalities include the visualization of textual information (tips, best practices…), access to technical documents and voice recording


The introduction of the is perceived by workers as helpful, especially when productive tasks are exhausting and may provoke health issues. They are not received with reluctance but as supportive in workers’ tasks at the workplace. Regarding AR, it is generally considered as very useful, although the HMD (HoloLens) are too heavy for long time tasks.


In the deburring process, manual labor is reduced, resulting in improved ergonomic and safety conditions. Moreover, process variability is reduced while quality and productivity, increased. In the assembly process, training time has been reduced with the AR solution and access to centralized documentation is faster, with greater transparency and ease of use while its maintenance costs have been reduced.