Collaborative assembly in a fenceless environment (IK4-TEKNIKER)

Collaborative assembly in a fenceless environment (IK4-TEKNIKER)

The use case scenario involves the collaborative assembly of a latch valve in a fenceless environment including auxiliary activities as logistics and maintenance. Main challenges faced in this use case, are the adaptation of the workplace to process (e.g. work order, part reference, control program, etc.) and human (i.e. physical characteristics, capabilities, skills, etc.) and context (e.g. operation being performed) variability, the introduction multimodal Human-Robot interaction, the provision of adaptive assistance to the maintenance technician and the evaluation of trust, usability and worker satisfaction.


To introduce active safety measures supporting Human-Robot
collaboration; to support personalized ergonomic adaptation; to provide
natural Human-Automation multi-channel interaction; to provide
decision support dashboards for quality and maintenance.


To evaluate trust, usability and worker satisfaction (in terms of
safety, interaction, ergonomics, assistance).

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Country: ES
Address: EIBAR
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The assembly collaborative robot considers both the operation being performed and operator’s anthropometric characteristics for control program selection and part positioning. Besides, the workplace includes multimodal interactions with both the dual arm assembly and logistic robots as well as with the Manufacturing Execution System. Verbal interaction includes natural speaking (i.e. Spanish language) and voice-based feedback messages, while nonverbal interaction is based on gesture commands considering both left and right-handed workers and multichannel notifications (e.g. push notifications, emails, etc.). Furthermore, the maintenance technician is assisted by on event Intervention request alerts, maintenance decision support dashboard and AR/VR based step by step on the job guidance.


Trust is identified as a key indicator in the pilot. Trust experiments are critical when introducing automation mechanisms that co-operate with workers.


Adaptation to human variation is boosted, reducing work requirements and worker’s physical demands without incrementing mental and cognitive workload. Additionally, safety and trust in collaborative workplaces are risen while improving usability and human satisfaction. Reconfigurability and flexibility are also improved, as well as efficiency due to the reduction of displacements.