OPEL Demonstrator

OPEL Demonstrator
So far, powertrain assembly demands a high percentage of manual jobs. The OPEL Collaborative workspace developed in LIAA deals with the assembly of the turbo charger for the new EURO 6 diesel engine and it can be applied into the majority of assembly operations. The workload is evenly distributed dynamically to humans and robots that safely coexist in a common workspace in the assembly line, optimizing both the ergonomics and the productivity of the process. Robot tasks and human instructions are coordinated by a set of cell independent software tools and wearable devices, securing the flawless execution. For example, the worker can see Augmented reality, when he is in a zone too close to the robot, or where exactly to assemble the parts of the Turbocharger.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5u0iikbLPU&list=PLGA0Ao6AGf62Gj3PEjzPC3n68ngnHLNtR
Country: GREECE
Address: Laboratory for Manufacturing System and Automation
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