Next generation of IEC-61499 automation tool-chain


An object-oriented Integrated Development Environment (IDE), fully compliant with the new evolution of the IEC 61499, where developers of single CPS and/or of the orchestrating intelligence governing the behaviour of their aggregation will be capable of designing complex applications with ease, exploiting the abstraction layers and programming methodologies that the standard automation language proposes. Among others, the IDE will allow: conception of complex functional architectures; integration on (potentially reconfigurable) hardware topologies; deployment of the CPS intelligence on compliant controllers (see next point); design of all the composing elements of the IEC 61499 CPS model; exporting of fully functional applications to other IDEs through interoperable XML files.

Together with the IDE, the exploitable result will contain an evolved IEC 61499 Distributed Runtime, independent in its functionalities from the control hardware hosting it, that is capable of executing in real-time the on-board intelligence of the CPS developed and compiled through the IDE, while guaranteeing strict synchronization with the automation tasks executed by the other CPS of the orchestrated network. T

he IEC 61499-based runtime will manage, transparently to the developer, fundamental functionalities such as:

  • event-based communication between separate controllers
  • strict real-time clock synchronization among the IEC 61499 network
  • near-real-time bidirectional connectivity to the in-Cloud behavioural models of the CPS


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Manufacturing performance characteristics
Economic sustainability
Product quality - Quality assurance
Quality assurance - Standards
IEC 61499 series - Function blocks
ICT performance characteristics
Interoperability (ICT)
General interoperability framework
Integration level interoperability
Connectivity & network interoperability – communication protocols
IEC 61499 series - Function blocks
Semantic/information interoperability
IEC 61499 series - Function blocks
Industrial Reference ICT Architectures
Reference Architectural Model Industrie 4.0 (RAMI 4.0)
RAMI 4.0 Vertical Axis and associated standards
Function Layer (RAMI 4.0)
IEC 61499 series - Function blocks
Information Layer (RAMI 4.0)
IEC 61499 series - Function blocks
Communication Layer (RAMI 4.0)
IEC 61499 series - Function blocks
Standards, technical committees and working groups
Standards according to SDOs
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
IEC TC 65 Industrial-process measurement and control and automation
IEC TC 65/SC 65B Measurement and control devices
IEC 61499 series - Function blocks
Standards - other classifications
Standard types
Data standards
IEC 61499 series - Function blocks
Interface standards
IEC 61499 series - Function blocks
Terminology standards
IEC 61499 series - Function blocks