Cloud-based HPC processing for knowledge generation in camshaft manufacture

Cloud-based HPC processing for knowledge generation in camshaft manufacture

EPC manufactures more than half a million camshafts every year. The company needs to ensure that it produces high-quality parts. Monitoring of the manufacturing process generates a massive amount of data which could be used as a basis for machine learning to improve the production process. However, current software solutions are not able to fully process the data fast enough, so the potential knowledge that may be generated from it cannot be exploited.

TRIMEK developed a metrological module of its M3 software, which enables the use of big data resources for data analysis. The new module is able to analyse scanning and measurement data and compare parts much faster than before by using cloud-based HPC. The production process is therefore more time-efficient. The time savings enables more of the produced parts to be checked in the same amount of time, increasing the overall production quality.

Reducing the processing time for data analysis allows a higher knowledge and control of the quality of the production process and of its needs, such as maintenance requirements. By using this system, the end-user receives a higher-quality product, saving time and money, leading to benefits for their own client.

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