Upgrade service for mobile rock crushers

Upgrade service for mobile rock crushers



Tools and business models for collaborative collection and management of system data

The expected lifetime of mobile rock crushers is 20-30 years.  During this time, they may have undergone several undocumented modifications. The demonstrator presented a new upgrade service based on in-situ 3D scanning of machine condition and augmented reality applications for upgrade design in collacoration with customers and end users.


  • Tools and processes for collection of system geometry data in the field based on photogrammetric scanning
  • Visualisation of upgrade designs based on Augmented and Virtual Reality
  • Modular noise encapsulation upgrade
  • Business model scenario for upgrade delivery

Benefits, impact, opportunities

  • Enhanced system data through fast and low-cost on-site scanning
  • Improved communication through in-situ visualisation of design solutions
  • Streamlined upgrade delivery process reduce costs and saves time.
  • New business opportunities with modular system upgrades – increased demand expected within next 3-5 years


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Upgrading in Mining & Construction Business.pdf PDF
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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes
Demonstrator (project outcome type)
Industrial pilot or use case
Technologies and enablers
Information and communication technologies
Human Machine Interfaces
Augmented reality

Augmentation of upgrade design solutions on in-situ equipment

Data visualisation
Virtual reality

VR models based on photogrammetric and laser scanning techniques

Collaborative Product-Service Factories Pathway
Product-Service Innovation

Personalised product upgrade service based on data from on-site 3D scanning.

(European) Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH)