CPPS Open Platform

CPPS Open Platform

The BEinCPPS Open Platform for CPPS is a blended toolbox where CPPS developers and system integrators could find easy-to-integrate and easy-to-deploy hardware-software assets for building CPPS-based advanced applications. The software assets of the toolbox are all Open Source licensed components and can be grouped in 6 main categories, as indicated by the picture above . Two groups are concerned with the CPSsisation of production systems and in particular with the improvement of their communication capability (in the direction of wired and wireless communication) and of their elaboration capability (in the sense of distributed automation and fast complex event processing). Two other groups are more related to Events Processing and are implemented by OPC-UA enabled IOT middleware and device management components (one based on FIWARE and its publishing architecture; one based on OPENIOT and its messaging architecture). The final two groups are concerned with Human-centered Manufacturing and in particular with Human-Computer Interaction components (for on-the-fly mashup of widgets and for advanced visualization and synchronization of complex 3D objects) and Ecosystem Collaboration (tangible and intangible Assets Management as well as collaborative business processes management).

The BEinCPPS foreground Components (dark orange) have been developed and tested during the course of the project.  The BEinCPPS background components (light orange) description is available in FIWARE Catalogue (https://catalogue.fiware.org/) and OPENIOT portal (http://www.openiot.eu/).