Complex, manual hydraulic system assembly (AIRBUS)

Complex, manual hydraulic system assembly (AIRBUS)

The assembly of a complex hydraulic system of the A350 Aircraft consists of several manual operations as well as big diversity of components. The challenge arising, is to provide assembly instructions adapted to the worker’s profile and context. Moreover, accurate information must be traceable and available to quality inspectors.


To optimise hydraulic system assembly through the usage of smart
tools and Virtual/Augmented Reality.


To evaluate the impact of an adapted AR HMI in terms of
performance and error rate for different skilled groups of people and to
enable full quality assurance approach and operators performance thanks
to traceability.

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Country: FR
Address: Toulouse
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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes
Demonstrator (project outcome type)
Industrial pilot or use case
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Significant innovations and lessons learned, training aspects
Significant innovations and achievements

The proposed solution comprises an adaptive smart tool and an AR instruction application using HoloLens wearable devices and a framework for ensuring digital continuity starting from the data recorded in the system for manufacturing engineering up to the execution and analysis phase

Lessons learned

Workers’ opinion is key, especially for decision and acceptance, during the design and development of adaptive automation solutions.

Manufacturing performance characteristics
Social sustainability
Increasing human achievements in manufacturing systems
Occupational safety and health
Technologies and enablers
Knowledge-workers and operators
Augmented and Virtual Worker
Healthy and happy operator
One of a kind operator
Business model aspects
Added value - impact - value proposition

The goals for this use case include assembly time reduction, minimization of errors, and increase of efficiency, productivity and quality. What is more, with AR training and learn-by-doing method adoption, productivity of newcomers is also increased. Finally, a full quality assurance approach and traceability for supervision is enabled.

(European) Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH)