FINGERPRINT for Machine Tools

Machine Tool Fingerprint is a procedure that obtains relevant KPIs related to machine tool condition, allowing improved process control and the implementation of predictive maintenance actions. The procedure is fully automated, and it takes only a few minutes allowing a frequent execution, as it does not impact productivity, and, hence, leading to a tight control of the machine tool condition.
The procedure is defined using conventional ISO programming in an NC program and can be adapted by the operators according to machine characteristics. The Fingerprint software monitors the required variables during the test, calculates the relevant KPIs and sends it to a remote server (cloud or in-premise) for visualization and analytics.
Machine Tool Fingerprint provides a way to control the status of machine tools with the following features:
• Embedded Intelligence: Post-processing of the recorded raw data allows obtaining KPIs directly related to Machine Tool component condition like backlash or friction.
• Simplicity: the operator only needs to launch the part program. Data monitoring, post-processing and upload to external servers is automated.
• Traceability: as a fast and automated procedure, its impact in the productivity is very limited, allowing frequent execution of the test and tight control of the KPI evolution.
• Adaptability: the system can be implemented in most machine tools as connectors to main CNC manufacturers are available.
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Country: ES
Address: FUNDACIÓN TEKNIKER, C. Iñaki Goenaga, 5, Eibar 20600