Architecture for data models and information exchange

This deliverable will be a report specifying the reference architecture for data models and information exchange between the entities and tools within the ReCaM concept, which are used and developed within the work packages 2 to 5. The deliverable provides consensus on integration designs and responsibilities of the tools used within the project, and maps suitable data models and information exchange interfaces between them. This deliverable provides the foundation for enabling smooth integration and data/information exchange between the tools developed in the other WPs. Existing approaches, data models, and standards are mapped and adapted to the ReCaM purposes, and if necessary, requirements for completely new data models, will be sketched and described in this deliverable. The deliverable will present the first version of the reference architecture for data models and information exchange. It will be validated within the following work packages, and adapted according to the results of practical testing as the other work packages progress.
Structured mapping
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