D4.6 Viability of WSN as ICT overlay for physical security detection


A public report, led by TNI-UCC, documenting the Viability of WSN as ICT overlay for physical security detection

This deliverable aims to provide an introduction to the material management use case where Boston Scientific Ltd, Ireland look to leverage ICT-based COMPOSITION tools and technologies.

This use case UC-BSL-3 demonstrates a need for a physical security and asset tracking implementation to fix knowledge gaps with respect to material management in the manufacture of Pacemakers and Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators. As laid out in D2.1 and as found out through questionnaires and interviews with industry partners owning the use cases, it is desirable to implement a physical security detection system which utilises indoor locations systems and wireless sensor networks to provide relevant alerts and location information regarding high value components.

A state of the art review covers the latest trends in Real Time Location Systems, firstly covering the general theory behind it, then delving into the technologies currently employed for indoor location. The different methods are compared in order to determine the most likely optimal choices for the use cases giving initial recommendations.

One issue with these systems is battery life expectancy of the wireless sensors and so energy harvesting techniques are examined to eliminate the need for battery replacement or at least extend battery life. For physical security detection and determination, a number of typical sensors used for security purposes are covered. A general high-level specification of the final system is laid out in the final section. It will be through testing and further collaboration with Boston Scientific that this will be realised and a detailed specific implementation created.

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