D6.8 Collaborative manufacturing services ontology and language II


A public software deliverable, led by CERTH, featuring the Collaborative manufacturing services ontology and language; this updates D6.7

Thedeliverable presentsthe work has done and theresults of the Task 6.4 Collaborative Manufacturing Services Ontology and Language.It aims to describe and analyse the COMPOSITION Ontology,which is delivered as software alongside with this report. In addition, in this report the design of the Ontology API, which is part of the complete semantic frameworkof the project, is described.The ontology framework design is driven by COMPOSITION project use cases, requirements, WP6 activities related to Marketplaceand connections with other WPs. COMPOSITION Collaborative Ecosystem needs a knowledge base in order to support flexible specification and execution of manufacturing collaboration schemes. The knowledge base should enable the description of supply and demand entities participatingintheEcosystemas well asthedescription of manufacturing services’capabilities and resources forparticipatingentities. In order to cover these needs a Collaborative ManufacturingServicesOntology is adopted and willbe used as a common vocabulary to offerinteroperability and representation of both meanings and data.As the knowledge store keepsinformationabout business entities and their services, the Ecosystem Agents areable tocommunicate andmake transactions based on thiscommon information. An agent who requests a service or aproduct will be able to find matching agentswho support this service or product based on the information of COMPOSITION Marketplace Ontology. Moreover, the Marketplace will be able to matchpossible solutions or services providers by inferring new knowledge fromtheOntologystoreand the Matchmaking mechanisms from Task 6.5.This document updates the D6.7 Collaborative manufacturing services ontology and language I. The structure of the D6.7 was adopted also for this document. All the information from previous version, which is still up-to-date or they are related to methodologies and tools that we have built the ontology werekept in this version as well, in order to provide to the reader a complete picture of Task 6.4. In this updated version, information related to Ontology’sextension is added. The updates are new classes, properties and individualand they are integrated to first version’s descriptions in order to create a coherent document that documents indetail the ontology.Moreover, the design of the Ontology API has been updated. In contrast, with the first version, in the current one the API is part of the Matchmaker package and not a standalone application. The catalogue of the supported web services of the API has beenextended as well. Furthermore, both Ontology and Ontology API have been deployed as a Docker1container. As introducedin this version, they are also integrated with the Marketplace Agents.The Agents are able to call services from Ontology API and modify the Ontology. Their communication with the Agents is secured as it is based on services offered by the project’s Security Framework. The connection of Ontology with the Security Framework is introduced in this report as well.Besides purpose, context, and scope the first part of this document is devoted to thecontent andstructureof this Deliverable. The next partsdescribe both general information about Ontologies as well as specific information aboutCOMPOSITON’s Ontology. The general information is a state-of-the-art analysis of Ontologylanguages, methodologies and tools. The COMPOSITION specific parts describe in details the Collaborative Manufacturing Services Ontology andits implementation process. Furthermore, theCOMPOSITIONOntology API which hasbeen developed for the purposes of thisprojectis described.Details about the usage of the delivered Ontology and conclusionsof Task 6.4 are also provided.

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