D7.5 Test, installation and operation plan template II


A public report, led by TNI-UCC, documenting the test, installation and operation plan template; this updates D7.4

The purpose of this document is to provide a preliminary test, installation and operation plan for each of the defined use cases. This document builds on deliverable 7.4 (Test, Installation and Operation Plan Template II), drawing on the experiences of the users of this document to make further enhancements.

The purpose of this document is to provide a preliminary test, installation and operation plan for each of the defined use cases. This document builds on deliverable 7.4 (Test, Installation and Operation Plan Template I), drawing on the experiences of the users of this document to make further enhancements.

As outlined in the program of work the technology components developed in COMPOSITION will be assessed for integration for each of the defined use cases. This deliverable comprises a template test, installation and evaluation plan to be developed for each use case. Factors such as re-configurability, scalability and interoperability will be taken into account for both real time monitoring and conditional monitoring by the COMPOSITION IIMS system. Whilst done concurrently with WP8 the activity will start as early as possible at a small ‘lab-scale’ level to combine, test, debug and stabilise parts of the system in a carefully controlled and intensely monitored deployment.

The deliverable in broken down into three components:

1.Use case planning will include details of the use case, technology components, data management and project management information.

2.Initial installation describes the scope and goals of the early stage use case deployment.

3.Operation and maintenance will include pertinent information relating to the ongoing operation and periodic maintenance required for each of the use case platform technologies.

A standard testing strategy will be followed depending on the deployment type (hardware and software) in partner labs initially and then at industry sites. These tests will include automated, manual, and exploratory tests to efficiently reduce risk and tighten release cycles. Tests come in several flavors:

  • Unit tests validate the smallest components of the system, ensuring they handle known input and outputs correctly. Unit test individual classes in your application to verify they work correctly.
  • Integration tests exercise an entire subsystem and ensure that a set of components work together.
  • Functional tests verify end-to-end scenarios that your users will engage in.
  • Verification and Validation Testing–primarily for the software elements of the project. It is the checking that the software system meets specifications and that it fulfils its intended purpose. It may also be referred to software quality control. It is normally the responsibility of software testers as part of the software development lifecycle. In simple terms, software verification is: "Assuming we should build X, does our software achieve its goals without any bugs or gaps?"
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