This asset represents the global conceptual framework for the GloNet system. Taking into account the results of the requirements analysis and the characteristics of the se-lected business scenarios, various types of collaborative networks (CNs) are identi-fied. For each network, the various endogenous elements of the co-innovation envi-ronment, namely the structural, componential, functional, behavioural elements, are analysed and characterized according to the ARCON framework. Complementarily, the exogenous interactions between the co-innovation networks and the surrounding socio-economic system are analysed and briefly characterized. As such, the ARCON market, support, societal, constituency dimensions are specified.
Expected value: This asset provides a generic conceptual model that synthesizes the fundamental concepts, principles and recommended processes for the various types of collaborative networks to support service-enhance products. It serves as a guide to streamline or facilitate the creation of focused models for the various manifestations of CNs.