Cloud-based GloNet platform

The GloNet platform uses an OSGi run-time to provide an infrastructure for defining, deploying and running independent software modules. Working with that OSGi run-time is structured and simplified using the well-proven Spring framework, which man-ages the different application modules and their dependencies. GloNet offers a framework for building web- and service-enabled cloud solutions. Such solutions typi-cally consist of features to represent and handle data in a flexible way, perform busi-ness process related logic with the help of that data and interact with the users through some user interface. The GloNet platform simplifies the creation of new applications and solutions, offering reusable core components, supporting the customization of ex-isting components and providing mechanisms to extend the functionality of the framework by adding new components to it. Furthermore, the GloNet platform pro-vides mechanisms for the efficient collaboration between different tenants (social in-teroperability), the integration of externally deployed services (service interoperability) and the automatic synchronization of data with external systems (data interoperabil-ity). Thus, the platform allows for the harmonized execution of collaborative processes within the virtual organization, involving people and systems. Expected value: With the GloNet platform, collaborating SMEs can successfully build global value chains, fostering inter-organizational collaboration and co-innovation. Us-ing the GloNet platform, cross-organizational collaboration can be unified into one common cloud platform, resulting in enhanced process performance, customer in-volvement, as well as collaborative composition of complex products and services.
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