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  • Product Specification Tool (PST)

Product Specification Tool (PST)

The PST tool supports specification of service-enhanced complex products. Due to the peculiar specificities, every complex product is one of a kind. Therefore, the final set of requirements from a customer must be well translated and matched by an ex-pert into the full specification of a corresponding complex service-enhanced product requirement in GloNet. The functionality of product specification tool supports the in-cremental specification of products by different involved multi-stakeholders. It further supports iterative specification of products in terms of their sub-products, and thus provides reusability of the existing specifications in fine granularity. Expected value: The product specification tool is a powerful asset for the efficient re-alization of customer requirements into specifications of complex service-enhanced product. The tool enables users to iteratively specify complex-products and provides a number of assisting functionalities for users to reuse previously registered specifica-tions when defining a new complex-product specification.
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