Pilot - FAGOR Zero-Defects Manufacturing Digital Press Machine


FAGOR has a long experience in delivering manufacturing lines (machine-tools & the whole automation solution) as well as providing the building blocks of such lines (press machines). Press machine is the product par excellence of FAGOR. A press machine is composed by 2 rigid platforms (head and base), a bed, a ram, a mechanism and other surrounding components that guarantee the full automation and process control (temperature, pressure, etc.).

The pilot proposed in QU4LITY project is framed within the process of continuous improvement of FAGOR R&D strategy. The development of this project will allow FAGOR to offer to its customers a more accuracy, competitive and productive press machines that can take part in a production line. All the improvements performed at press machine level will directly improve the production line where it is integrated with. The development of this project will facilitate the increase of the level of sales. The technological development together with the quality, constitute the great bet of FAGOR to achieve its objective of customer satisfaction.

The objective of this project is to reach zero defects manufacturing process collecting press machine critical parameters and identifying exactly the process developed in the manufacturing of pieces. Traditional zero defects approaches propose the analysis of such parameters isolated from the rest of the process where the machine is integrated. Whereas these approaches try to maximize the efficiency of the process by maximizing the efficiency of the parts, it fails to maximize the efficiency of the overall system. Such process has a great complexity from the point of view of the acquisition, measurement and transmission of the parameters and variables. In addition to that, the integration of the data from other parts of the system at machine level should be valuable.

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes
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Industrial pilot or use case
Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway

FAGOR ARRASATE as a leading manufacturer of forming machines it is obliged to proactive participate in projects like QU4LITY and led solutions to the customers to improve the availability, performance and quality of their installations and get an optimum cost per part ratio.

FAGOR ARRASATE has a long experience in delivering press machines as well as providing the building blocks of such lines. A press machine is the product par excellence of FAGOR ARRASATE. A typical press machine is composed by two rigid platforms (head and base), a bed, a ram, and a mechanism as well as all the other surrounding components that guarantee the full automation and process control.

Historically, machine tool manufacturers have not had any information of the machine behaviour once they were working at the customer facilities. Maintenance actions by the machine tool supplier, where mainly started by a customer’s call and where mainly related to corrective actions, once the failure had already happened.

Currently many condition issues on the machine are detected afterwards, they appear when a quality matter is detected on the forming parts or a machine component is damaged, causing even machine stoppage.  These problems are fixed by machine adjustment or changing programs or forming process parameters.

Consequently, the only way to avoid future problems is by preventive maintenance or machine adjustment actions. These are carried out either by the machine owner itself or external services which are sometimes delivered by FAGOR ARRASATE.

In QUALITY project, FAGOR ARRASATE will equip a press machine with a SMART CONNECT technology that provides data from the machine, to the owner and to the machine supplier. Within the context of Zero-Defect Manufacturing, FAGOR ARRASATE will develops Smart solutions that will anticipate and avoid failures, reduce downtimes and assure quality.

It has a great complexity from the point of view of the acquisition, measurement and transmission of the parameters and variables. The result that would be obtained from the QU4LITY project, would allow the customers of FAGOR ARRASATE to have total control of a zero defects manufacturing process at machine level and to know at any time how and under which conditions all the parts have been manufactured.

Connected IT and OT

For many years, and in the context of INDUSTRY 4.0, FAGOR ARRASATE is working together with IKERLAN  in smart platform for press machines and industrial processes. The platform goes from the sensitization of the machine’s critical elements to the remote monitoring of press conditions. The platform focuses on improvement of asset management and OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) and allows FAGOR ARRASATE to increase quality of service for their clients.

Off-line optimisation

FAGOR FA-Link MAP (Fagor Arrasate Link MAchine Platform) is a platform developed by FAGOR ARRASATE in collaboration with IKERLAN. This platform uses cutting edge technologies for big data processing and visualization.  This platform inputs the data from the press machine using the FAGOR (Data-Adquisition System) and provides to the different stakeholders an UI with a set of views to monitor and analyze the press machine performance. The UI is customizable by the end user and the data to be shown is manually configured as different views and alarms in FA-LINK visualization UI.

FAGOR’s monitoring platform, FA-Link machine platform, is being extended with tools focused on ZDM in this pilot and in the related packages of QU4LITY.

FA-Link is composed by two systems, the former that is executed in the manufacturing plant (on premise) and the latter that is executed in the cloud. The data captured in plant via on premise (local view), is uploaded and aggregated in the cloud part (global view).

Off-line Digital Manufacturing Process Optimisation on factory level


FAGOR’s monitoring platform, FA-Link machine platform, is being extended with tools focused on ZDM in this pilot and in the related packages of QU4LITY.

FA-Link is composed by two systems, the former that is executed in the manufacturing plant (on premise) and the latter that is executed in the cloud. The data captured in plant via on premise (local view), is uploaded and aggregated in the cloud part (global view).

Off-line Digital Manufacturing Process Optimisation on machine level

The on-premise system is responsible of capturing the data from the different sensors and upload such information to the cloud. This task is performed by a software called FAGOR-DAS. Through FAGOR-DAS, data published by the sensors via PLCs using industrial protocols, such as OPC-UA, are sampled.  After this data is gathered, it is analysed and compacted locally (Edge computing). Such data can be visualized via a tool called Visual Stamp (local view of the manufacturing line). The same data is prepared to be sent to the cloud infrastructure.

Platform enabled optimisation

FAGOR’s monitoring platform, FA-Link machine platform, is being extended with tools focused on ZDM in this pilot and in the related packages of QU4LITY.

Realtime optimisation

Solutions, methodologies, and tools that are being developed within different work packages of QU4LITY are being applied to this pilot in the task T7.2 of WP7. As is shown in the figure, different components of the FAGOR platform such as FA-LINK, IKCLOUD+ and IKSEC+ are being extended focusing in ZDM of press machines. FA-LINK platform has been completed with the following components:

  • ETL@FA-LINK is responsible to extract transform and load the data. Additionally to the sensor data, and with ZDM on mind, contextual data is also collected by the platform. This component prepares the data for the AI training process. This component is composed by an extended version of iKCloud that is being designed in WP3 and integrated in this pilot in WP7.
  • Then, TRAIN@FA-LINK uses the previously obtained and persisted data to create an AI model for ZDM. The model is generated using cutting edge machine learning technologies. This model is used to identify situations and generate suggestions to the users to increase performance and reduce defectives of press machine. The model training is performed by the extension of ikCloud+ developed in WP3/WP7 work packages of QU4LITY.
  • Next, the model is executed by EXECUTE@FA-LINK using the data obtained from the press machine. This way, ZDM related alarms, indicators and suggestions are obtained and persisted. This component uses FA-LINK and IK-Cloud+ solutions that are being implemented in WP3 and WP7.
  • Finally, the obtained results are shown to the users using different views of FA-LINK. A set of new views focused on ZDM and quality are being implemented in the WP7 of QU4LITY in this pilot. These new views provide the ability to the platform to show, suggest and guide the user to improve press machine performance and reduce downtimes and defectives.
(European) Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH)