Moulds manufacturing: in-line 3D modelling


This use case includes two industrial partners, FORM – producer of moulds for plastic injections and FIDIA machine producer. To protect the machines it is important to avoid collisions, for instance, between the machine and the workpiece. FIDIA industrial partner also supplies the anti-collision software based on 3D models in .stl format. The 3D models are generated from the data acquired by scanning of the working surface, including machines, tools, target workpieces and other objects within the working area. ZDMP platform has the aim to simplify the whole process of 3D models generation from communication to data cleaning and processing.

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he collision avoidance software relies on the 3D models acquired by scanning of the working area. However, before the 3D model can be built the scanning results, also called “cloud of points”, are cleaned and processed.


The operator is involved in the working area scanning process. Afterwards the scanning results can be automatically sent to the ZDMP platform to be further processed and converted into the .stl format.


Besides the anomalies caused, for instance, by equipment degradation, this use-case targets the human error called collision. Some common collisions identified by the industrial partners are: movement of the milling head crashing into workpiece or machine itself or the CAD/CAM model defines paths involving movements that cause a crash. Collision avoidance is critical for machine damage prevention, as well as product quality maintenance.


The ZDMP platform which is deployed outside of FORM, allows for FORM to simplify the process for data acquisition and processing enabling quick and effortless way of anti-collision system utilization.