Temperature App

Temperature App
- Motivation / Need: This App could be used for wireless temperature management under extreme conditions e.g. long duration periods or low temperature environments which both are challenging to manage with wire connected sensors who need constant power. For the relevant use cases the challenge is to have solution who is able to work with and do not need a battery charging during the project time. The management and reuse of the sensor data is needed by SMEs who cannot afford investments in complicated and expensive wire sensor management applications. - Application Area: Applicable to Food Processing Industry e.g for meat and fish production and maybe also some expensive vegatables like asparagus. - Solution Concept: 1. Easily maintainable Android web app for the collection of the required temperature during transportation. 2. Standardised formal documentation and representation incl. SDK and datatransfer for Android devices. 3. Tracebility of temperatue conditions during processing and/or transport, based on a documented datasteeam which be used for transfer of perils.
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Country: ROMANIA
Address: Sibiu
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