ProSEco Deployment Platform


The Service Broker/PES Deployment Platform & Service Composition are easy instantiable solutions that rely on xml configuration files for the configuration of the fucntionalities to be started and deployed. The platform has been designed and implemented to be generic enough in order to be applied in different contexts as well as platforms (linux/windows) with minimal effort. Specifically the Service Broker provides the proactiveness and optimized thread management that are coming from the agent technology. The Service Composition Engineering tool is a tool based on BPMN languange that allows the composition of core and application specific services with the aim of creating more complex services/functionalities to be included in a PES (Product Extension Service). It is based on the technology and has been personalized to fit the ProSEco project objectives. The Service Broker module is the core of the the PES Deployment Platform & Service Composition specifically it is the runtime engine for the execution of PES applications. It is an agent-based tool compliant with the FIPA standard. It has been designed and implemented to consume BPMN processes and to allocate the necessary resources for the execution of the PES.

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