vf-OS | Virtual Factory Open Operating System


The primary outcomes of vf-OS are an:

  • Open Operating System (vf-OS) and Software Development Kit (OAK) for Factories of the Future that aims to be the reference system software for collaborative manufacturing and logistics processes including its associated resources and data
  • Open vf-OS Platform, including a Multi-sided application marketplace and development studio, that aims to become the Apps Store for Manufacturing industry.

The multi-sided marketplace will allow Manufacturing Users, Manufacturing Resource providers, Service Providers and Software Developers to cooperate and demand, build, select, and use vf-OS applications with the vf-OS exploiters, like classical App stores, having a business model based on taking a share of purchases of applications and services from the platform.

vf-OS is composed of a Virtual Factory System Kernel (vf-SK), a Virtual Factory Application Programming Interface (vf-API) and a Virtual Factory Middleware (vf-MW) for interoperable and secure collaboration among supply networks, enterprises, machines, data and objects. The Virtual Factory Platform (vf-P) will be a infrastructure, either in-cloud or on-premise, that supports the Manufacturing Apps Store and Virtual Machines. vf-OS especially addresses SMEs by providing a full functionality at affordable cost and with Cloud availability.

The Manufacturing Apps will be developed with an Open Applications Development Kit (vf-OAK), freely provided to software developers, for rapid and cost effective deployment of advanced industrial applications running over vf-OS, allowing fast time-to-market and world-wide base industrial clients.

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes
Key documentation on demonstrators, pilots, prototypes
More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: http://vf-os.eu
Start date: 01-10-2016
End date: 31-10-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 7 758 580,00 Euro - 7 758 580,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The primary outcomes of vf-OS are an:
- Open Operating System (vf-OS) and Software Development Kit (OAK) for Factories of the Future that aims to be the reference system software for collaborative manufacturing and logistics processes including its associated resources and data
- Open vf-OS Platform, including a Multi-sided application marketplace and development studio, that aims to become the Apps Store for Manufacturing industry
The multi-sided marketplace will allow Manufacturing Users, Manufacturing Resource providers, Service Providers and Software Developers to cooperate and demand, build, select, and use vf-OS applications with the vf-OS exploiters, like classical App stores, having a business model based on taking a share of purchases of applications and services from the platform.

vf-OS is composed of a Virtual Factory System Kernel (vf-SK), a Virtual Factory Application Programming Interface (vf-API) and a Virtual Factory Middleware (vf-MW) for interoperable and secure collaboration among supply networks, enterprises, machines, data and objects. The Virtual Factory Platform (vf-P) will be a infrastructure, either in-cloud or on-premise, that supports the Manufacturing Apps Store and Virtual Machines. vf-OS especially addresses SMEs by providing a full functionality at affordable cost and with Cloud availability.

The Manufacturing Apps will be developed with an Open Applications Development Kit (vf-OAK), freely provided to software developers, for rapid and cost effective deployment of advanced industrial applications running over vf-OS, allowing fast time-to-market and world-wide base industrial clients.



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FoF and Made in Europe Partnership

Factories of the Future Partnership - Made in Europe Partnership

H2020 - Factories of the Future
FOF-11-2016 Digital automation
Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes
Key documentation on demonstrators, pilots, prototypes
Report - Video - Presentation - Publication....?
Result items:
Result items:
Project type - instrument
Research & Innovation Action (RIA)
Standards, technical committees and working groups
Comment: vf-OS will develop a concept for privacy and security handling, and will ensure that the concept is applicable to and followed by all vf-OS components. It will consider existing approaches (e.g. encryption), the specific requirements of the manufacturing domain, and the need for data security. The vf-OS publish-subscribe middleware will provide the data infrastructure and will be fully compatible with major industry standards (i.e. JBI, SCA, BPEL or WSDL). IO Toolkit to implement connectors to devices or business software and specific implementations for OPC UA and MQTT. Other standards as ANSI/ISA-95 will be followed.
Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway
Connected IT and OT
Off-line optimisation
Off-line Digital Manufacturing Process Optimisation on factory level
Hyperconnected Factories Pathway
Basic internal connectivity
Manufacturing performance characteristics
Economic sustainability
Environmental sustainability
Material efficiency
Waste minimisation
Circular economy
Social sustainability
Increasing human achievements in manufacturing systems

vf-OS as an operating system is addressed to be used by humans on stations, work centers and enterprises. Due to its collaborative nature and the app store nature, vf-OS platform will cover human interacting on a connected world of manufacturing and logistic enterprises.

Occupational safety and health
Technologies and enablers
Information and communication technologies

From a technological point of view, Open vf-OS Platform will provide elements covering the connected world, allowing the exchange and collaboration of information between companies on a value stream thanks to the cloud approach to be adopted (vf-Platform). The Open vf-OS covers from the control device level, where information from the systems (IoT, CPS, embedded systems) is gathered, processed and empowered.

Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI
Data analytics
ICT solutions for next generation data storage and information mining
IoT - Internet of Things
Programming Frameworks – Software Development Kits (SDKs)
Operating systems
Comment: The Open Operating Sytem (vf-OS) for Factories of the Future aims to be the reference operating system software for collaborative manufacturing and logistics processes and therefore enabling potentially new businesses emerging from that collaboration.
Data spaces
Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
Advanced material processing technologies
Integration of non-conventional technologies and conventional technologies
ICT performance characteristics
Comment: vf-OS will develop a concept for privacy and security handling, and will ensure that the concept is applicable to and followed by all vf-OS components. It will consider existing approaches (e.g. encryption), the specific requirements of the manufacturing domain, and the need for data security.
Interoperability (ICT)
General interoperability framework
Integration level interoperability
Comment: The vf-OS publish-subscribe middleware will provide the data infrastructure and will be fully compatible with major industry standards (i.e. JBI, SCA, BPEL or WSDL). IO Toolkit to implement connectors to devices or business software and specific implementations for OPC UA and MQTT. Other standards as ANSI/ISA-95 will be followed.
APIs and Integration Protocols
Comment: The IO Toolkit implements clients to the REST vf-OS kernel and middleware services facilitating the integration of virtually any technology
Semantic/information interoperability
Platform level interoperability
AAA - Access, Authorisation and Authentication
Comment: Centralised token based security framework for REST APIs.
User Acccess and Rights Management
Comment: REST APIs for role based access management and security policy
Application level interoperability
Modular Design and Deployment Approaches
Comment: Dockerised components to adapt a vf-OS Platform instance to the requirements of a specific tenant
Open APIs and Communication Protocols
Comment: Middleware providing messaging and Pub/Sub Services to all components. Virtual Factory Devices Drivers and Open APIs, a set of modules that provide interfaces to physical assets (eg, Sensors) and virtual assets (eg, ERP systems and data) and ease their use in vf-OS
Industrial Reference ICT Architectures
Reference Architectural Model Industrie 4.0 (RAMI 4.0)
RAMI 4.0 Hierarchy Axis
Field Device
Work station
Enterprise - Factory
Connected Enterprises - Factories
Business model aspects
Business ecosystems
Business ecosystems associated to digital platforms
Comment: The Open vf-OS Platform, includes a multi-sided application marketplace that aims to become the Apps Store for the manufacturing industry. The app store and the development studio empower the crosselling of solutions that a company has developed to solve their problems to other companies in the same sector. Developers will engage on this business digital model. Open vf-OS Platform ecosystem is composed of developers/technical providers, manufacturing users, manufacturing providers and service providers. Software Developers can develop and upload to the vf-OS marketplace device drivers and API Connectors for legacy platforms and services
Manufacturing system levels
Manufacturing system levels
Field Device
Work station
Enterprise - Factory
Connected Enterprises - Factories
Connecting factories from different enterprises
Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
H2020-EU. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - ICT - Cross-cutting calls
FOF-11-2016 Digital automation