Tablet Computer incorporating Circular Design principles

Tablet Computer incorporating Circular Design principles

In spite of successful prototype development of a desktop and a laptop model following Circular Design principles (Design for Repair, Reuse, Remanufacturing and Recycling), sustainablySMART partner MicroPro has found it difficult to market these computers
viably because of the high costs associated with outsourcing design and manufacture of computers, which makes small-scale, localized design, production and marketing of innovative computers financially unviable.
The prototype of a D4R tablet computer developed now in sustainablySMART demonstrates the feasibility of design and manufacture within a small digital fabrication workshop environment or FabLab. This design and manufacture approach will enable the financially viable commercialization of the iameco D4R tablet for a potentially growing market, starting from small numbers but building up to significant international sales. The third iteration of development of the iameco D4R tablet was aimed at adapting previous prototype designs to manufacture in a local digital design and manufacture facility (FabLab equivalent), specifically the workshop of the National College of Furniture Design in GMIT Letterfrack. The prototype will be presented at the Going Green - CARE Innovation conference in Vienna, November 26-29, 2018.

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