Demonstration of PreCoM system in low-volume manufacturing (Sakana)


SAKANA S. Coop, Spain, is a company that produces cast grey and ductile iron parts. With a total capacity of production of around 30,000 tons per year, Sakana is specialized in the production of very heavy-section parts (20-30 tons) and it is divided into two divisions:

  • Wind turbine industry.
  • High technology castings (HTC).

The main reason to select this industry is that it is a low volume production industry, where the manufactured products are of high added value. Moreover, the condition of the machine tool could meaningfully affect both the quality of the machined workpiece and the productivity of the machine derided from the unexpected stoppages due to the failure of critical components of the machine.

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Country: ES
Address: Zona Sarrarte s/n, Lakuntza 31830
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