The RWTH use case, is set in the ramp-up factory Aachen, for the assembly of a small electric vehicle prototype for short-distance traffic. This use case is challenging as technician’s skills and experience are not considered, training times are high and due to the prototyping environment, the processes are complex and unknown to the workers. Moreover, special tools are often not where they are required. The movement for the trolley causes ergonomic issues and cognitive stress.
To incorporate AR based guidance based on operator’s profile and
to provide the tools required for the assembly by means of an automated
tool trolley.
To improve worker satisfaction, to reduce training time, to improve
process efficiency; to improve ergonomics; to validate a tool to determine
the optimal degree of automation.
Web resources: | |
Country: | DE |
Address: | AACHEN |
An AR based solution is proposed for instructions visualization enabling also on-job training activities and guidance. Regarding the ergonomics, an autonomous tool-trolley has been integrated including voice command and AR based gesture steering.