Projects overview

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Description See description on youtube The objective is to provide a novel methodology and a comprehensive ICT solution for collaborative design of product-services (Meta Products) and their production processes.
Organisation The Open Group Limited
Comments processes.
 Final Report Summary - PROSECO (Collaborative Environment for Design of AmI enhanced Product-Services Integrating Highly Personalised Innovative Functions with Minimal Ecological Footprint along Life Cycle and of Their Production P) Result title Summary - PROSECO (Collaborative Environment for Design of AmI enhanced Product-Services Integrating Highly Personalised Innovative Functions with Minimal Ecological Footprint along Life Cycle and of Their Production
 ProSEco Deployment Platform Result description It has been designed and implemented to consume BPMN processes and to allocate the necessary resources for the execution of the PES.
 Service Broker Result description It has been designed and implemented to consume BPMN processes and to allocate the necessary resources for the execution of the PES.
 Flexibility Taxon description Flexibility in manufacturing means the ability to deal with slightly or greatly mixed parts, to allow variation in parts assembly and variations in process sequence, change the production volume and
 Reduction of energy consumption (in %) Comments processes.
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Description KRAKEN will develop a disruptive hybrid manufacturing concept to equip SME and large industries with affordable All-in-one machine for the customised design, production/reparation and quality control of
Comments 1.1 Processing novel materials and structures (into products) Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes RP 1.5 Delivery of new functionalities through (mass production) surface manufacturing processes
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - KRAKEN (Hybrid automated machine integrating concurrent manufacturing processes, increasing the production volume of functional on-demand using high multi-material deposition rates) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - KRAKEN (Hybrid automated machine integrating concurrent manufacturing processes, increasing the production volume of functional on-demand using high multi-material deposition
 RP 1.5 Delivery of new functionalities through (mass production) surface manufacturing processes Taxon title RP 1.5 Delivery of new functionalities through (mass production) surface manufacturing processes
 RP 1.6 Material efficient Manufacturing processes Taxon description The former will require new design approaches coupled with new, material-saving production processes with improved material efficiency and enabling the (flexible) use of substitute materials.
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Description Moreover, Data Analytics will provide a continuous refinement by acquiring process knowledge to assist in the manufacturing of new metal components, improving right-first-time production by adopting a
Comments R&I Objective 3.2: Manufacturing processes and approaches near to customers or consumers (including urban manufacturing) MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 3: New integrated business
 Towards a Digital Twin for Thermal Processes: Control-centric approach Result title Towards a Digital Twin for Thermal Processes: Control-centric approach
 Liaisons C with ISO/TC 261 Result description ISO/TC 261/WG 2     Processes, systems and materials ISO/TC 261/WG 3     Test methods and quality specifications ISO/TC 261/WG 4     Data and Design
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Description as well as Active control of production lines that incorporate the above proposed MW solutions, capable of maximizing autonomy and interaction capability with existing machinery and ensuring re-use
Comments Manufacturing processes FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 1.2 Complex structures, geometries and scale Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing
 Final Report Summary - DAPHNE (Development of adaptive ProductioN systems for Eco-efficient firing processes) Result title Final Report Summary - DAPHNE (Development of adaptive ProductioN systems for Eco-efficient firing processes)
 Sub-Domain 2.2 Dynamic Production systems and Factories Taxon title Sub-Domain 2.2 Dynamic Production systems and Factories
 RP 1.6 Material efficient Manufacturing processes Taxon description The former will require new design approaches coupled with new, material-saving production processes with improved material efficiency and enabling the (flexible) use of substitute materials.