Projects overview

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 Report on standards (a) used and (b) generated in Z-Fact0r Result title Report on standards (a) used and (b) generated in Z-Fact0r Result description As a result, exist-ing but also future consensus-based standards, focusing on open-standards, will create a firm basis for technical procurement, support communication through standardized terminology
 A Security Architecture for Digital Manufacturing Platforms Taxon description Architectures can follow standards such as IEC62443, ISO27k or NIST800.16, or any alternative scheme, but that needs to complete towards the digital and operational platforms. 
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Comments OPC-UA Standards and standardisation Standards according to SDOs Standards Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture (OPC-UA) is considered for UPTIME platform and for modular edge data
 The Standards as Critical Means of Integration of Advanced Maintenance Approaches to Production Systems Result title The Standards as Critical Means of Integration of Advanced Maintenance Approaches to Production Systems
 Standardization Plan and Activities Report Result description Standardization Plan and Results with appendixes detailing the different proposals to be pushed to standardization bodies and describing the way to implement the UPTIME standards
 Standards Taxon title Standards
 Standardisation via other Standards Developing Organisations (SDO) (eg. W3C, IEEE, ASTM, etc..) Taxon title Standards
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Description and Cross-Domain Use cases (14 Partners SME/Large from Automotive, Machine Tools, Construction, Electronics), Researchers/Associations (IKERLAN, ITI, UNINOVA, TUT, and UPV), specialists (DIN , German Standards
 Analysis of relevant standards for industrial systems to support zero defects manufacturing process Result title Analysis of relevant standards for industrial systems to support zero defects manufacturing process
 ZDMP Standardisation Activities Result description Presented by Grunewald Christian during the Standards for digital manufacturing webinar on the 20 October 2020, organised by Connected Factories 2 Project and EFFRA.   Result acronym Standards