Factory2Fit | Empowering and participatory adaptation of factory automation to fit for workers


Smart factories are characterized by increasing automation and increasing customization. In these dynamic environments flexible and adaptive work organization is crucial both for productivity and work satisfaction. Factory2Fit project will support this development by developing adaptation solutions with which people with different skills, capabilities and preferences can be engaged, motivated and productive members of the work community in manufacturing industries.

The core idea in Factory2Fit project is that the worker is an expert of his/her own work and thus (s)he shall have an active role in designing his/her work. The proposed adaptive automation solutions are based on a dynamic user model that includes physical and cognitive abilities.

The worker him/herself gets feedback of his performance and skills, which supports continuous learning and competence development. Virtual factory models will be used as engaging platforms for participatory design of work practices, knowledge sharing and training, involving all the relevant stakeholders in contributing the organizational development. Contextual guidance and knowledge sharing is supported by augmented reality based tools. The adaptation solutions will be developed within three industrial pilots in actual manufacturing environments.

The solutions will be generalized and disseminated widely to the manufacturing industry. Adaptive automation solutions to be developed in Factory2Fit will support fluent human-automation cooperation and will have impacts in work satisfaction, less occupational health issues, less stress, better ergonomics, better quality, less errors and better productivity. Adaptive automation supports current and forthcoming workers to develop their competences towards knowledge workers of smart factories with fulfilling work careers. This will further improve the competitiveness of European manufacturing industry and support the principle of responsible manufacturing industry.

More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: http://factory2fit.eu/
Start date: 01-10-2016
End date: 30-09-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 4 322 463,00 Euro - 4 322 463,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Smart factories are characterized by increasing automation and increasing customization. In these dynamic environments flexible and adaptive work organization is crucial both for productivity and work satisfaction. Factory2Fit project will support this development by developing adaptation solutions with which people with different skills, capabilities and preferences can be engaged, motivated and productive members of the work community in manufacturing industries.

The core idea in Factory2Fit project is that the worker is an expert of his/her own work and thus (s)he shall have an active role in designing his/her work. The proposed adaptive automation solutions are based on a dynamic user model that includes physical and cognitive abilities. The worker him/herself gets feedback of his performance and skills, which supports continuous learning and competence development. Virtual factory models will be used as engaging platforms for participatory design of work practices, knowledge sharing and training, involving all the relevant stakeholders in contributing the organizational development. Contextual guidance and knowledge sharing is supported by augmented reality based tools. The adaptation solutions will be developed within three industrial pilots in actual manufacturing environments. The solutions will be generalized and disseminated widely to the manufacturing industry.

Adaptive automation solutions to be developed in Factory2Fit will support fluent human-automation cooperation and will have impacts in work satisfaction, less occupational health issues, less stress, better ergonomics, better quality, less errors and better productivity. Adaptive automation supports current and forthcoming workers to develop their competences towards knowledge workers of smart factories with fulfilling work careers. This will further improve the competitiveness of European manufacturing industry and support the principle of responsible manufacturing industry.



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Factories of the Future Partnership - Made in Europe Partnership

H2020 - Factories of the Future
FOF-04-2016 Continuous adaptation of work environments with changing levels of automation in evolving production systems
Lessons learned
Result items:

A use case derived from Continental’s measurement lab has been used for validation, revealing the importance of task properties careful choice, time to familiarize employees to such system and assuring sensitive data security. 

Within Factory2Fit there were 2 use cases for the codesign process piloted at Continental plant Limbach-Oberfrohna. One pilot was carried out for the workplace design and one for the work process design. An evaluation of the method selection and execution showed that there was good acceptance among the workers who contributed to the design process. To reach positive results during the codesign process it is essential to assess the boundary conditions and the group structure very well. 

The developed tool could be extended to become a part of a bigger communication platform, between the equipment provider and their customers, aiming at strengthening their relationship. 

SoMeP was piloted at Prima Power, unveiling that the integration of production information and messaging is valuable and time-saving in getting guidance. Gamification can motivate workers to share knowledge (Zikos et al., 2019). The use of social media will require organizational policies e.g. in moderating the content (Aromaa et al., 2019). 

Worker Feedback Dashboard was piloted in three factories with ten workers. For user acceptance, it has been crucial that the workers participated in planning how to use the solution, and what kind of work practices were related to its use. The pilot evaluation results indicate that there are potential lead users for the Worker Feedback Dashboard. Introducing the solution would facilitate showing the impacts and could then encourage those who may be more doubtful to join. 

ARAG solution was piloted in a factory of United Technologies Corporation (UTC). The validation results reflected the potential of the solution, technicians’ acceptability to solutions specifically designed for supporting them in complex operations. Recent studies have shown that gamification tools can be utilized in industrial AR solutions for reducing technicians’ learning curve and increasing their cognition (Tsourma et al., 2019). 

On-the-job learning tool was piloted in a UTC factory producing air handling units. What is learned, is that in order to display the content more understandable, users must be able to interact with it, by viewing the components CAD files and make or read remarks.

Result items:
Research & Innovation Action (RIA)

Project clusters are groups of projects that cooperate by organising events, generating joint papers, etc...

Economic sustainability
Environmental sustainability
Circular economy
Co-evolution of products-processes-production systems (‘industrial symbiosis’)
Information and communication technologies
IoT - Internet of Things
Data spaces
Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
Mechatronics and robotics technologies
Industrial robotics
Human-Robot Collaboration
Engineering tools
System modelling - digital twins, simulation
Human-Robot Collaboration
Manufacturing the products of the future
Customised products
Comment: Customized production set challenges for the factory work
Added value - impact - value proposition
Result items:

TDE offers the generation of optimized production plans while the waiting time for the high-priority tasks has been reduced. Moreover, workplace is more user-friendly, and supervisors have a detailed overview of the running and planned work.

The method selection tool can also be used by non-experts as there is no need of vast know-how for the utilization of the offered tool. Therefore, the layman can easily select the right method out of a wide range. Codesign itself strengthens the companies as the workers can include their tacit knowledge into the workplace - or work process design and therefore have a higher commitment to their job once their ideas are implemented.

With the proposed solution, online training can be scheduled optimally, shortening training time. Moreover, training supports understanding and dealing with exceptional situations such as disturbances in production. Increased productivity and job satisfaction are expected, lowering the threshold of operators to start using the manufacturing line independently.

SoMeP emphasizes in improving collaboration and communication between technicians and promotes knowledge sharing, and practices. In the long-term SoMeP can be used both as a communication channel and information exchange hub, but also as a valuable knowledge repository as well as an educational system.

The proposed solution aims at raising spirits at work, by helping employees recognize their strengths as well as their development needs. In the long term, the application can assist employees to develop their working habits.

The ARAG solution reduces the cognitive load, and increases the technician’s satisfaction, while the precise guidance assures optimality and correctness in task execution. Furthermore, with the proposed solution training time is minimized as well as inspection by experts, also reducing manufacturing times and maximizing resource utilization.

With the proposed solution, access to expert knowledge is granted to anyone who is registered to the platform. What is more, supervisors are able to assign training courses to specific technicians for improving their skills.

Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.5. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Advanced manufacturing and processing
H2020-EU. Technologies for Factories of the Future
FOF-04-2016 Continuous adaptation of work environments with changing levels of automation in evolving production systems