FIWARE | Future Internet Core Platform
Applied Technologies:
Spring Boo: Spring Boot is a framework for building web applications. It is built on top of the Spring Framework and follows a zero-configuration principle. The major set of microservices are build using Spring Boot as an application framework.
Spring Cloud: Functionalities for building and integrating microservices are provided by Spring Cloud. It mainly aggregates components of the Netflix Open Source Software (Netflix OSS) project and makes them easily be integrated with
Spring Boot applications. Components of the underlying microservice infrastructure are heavily using modules from Spring Cloud (e.g. Service Discovery, Configuration Server and Gateway Proxy).
Spring Cloud Security: Standardized security mechanisms are implemented using Spring Cloud Security. It provides out-of-the-box integration of security modules to Spring Cloud applications. Authentication and authorization between microservices are realized by using Spring Cloud Security, which supports OAuth2 and OpenID Connect and communicates with the authentication server (i.e. Cloud Foundry UAA).
ELK Stack Logs can be streamed to Logstash, which stores them persistently in Elastic Search. visualizations are done using Kibana, hence the ELK stack. The ELK stack is used to aggregate log output of distributed microservices in order to centrally perform analysis of generated log output.
Cloud Foundry UAA: The Cloud Foundry User Account and Authentication (UAA) is a multi tenant identity management service, available as a stand alone OAuth2 server issuing tokens for clients. Cloud Foundry UAA acts as identity and authentication server issuing OpenID Connect tokens.
Camunda BPM: Camunda BPM is an open source platform for business process management. Camunda BPM is used for the definition and execution of business processes (e.g. supply chain process).
Apache Marmotta: Apache Marmotta is an open implementation of a linked data platform. Apache Marmotta will be mainly used to store catalog data and perform product-search queries. Apache Solr Apache Solr is a free-text indexing tool providing advanced search and navigation capabilities on the indexed data. Apache Marmotta uses Apache Solr for its semantic search cores composed semantic features of indexed items.
Docker: Docker is an open-source solution for application deployment, consisting of prebuilt images running inside a container. Docker will be used for intermediate development releases and on-premises deployment.
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL is an open-source database system for object-relational data. PostgreSQL will mainly be used as a database technology, in order to have a homogeneous setup.
Apache Kafka: Open Source messaging infrastructure Mainly used for private communication among components and entities.
Data management:
From a technological point of view, Open vf-OS Platform will provide elements covering the connected world, allowing the exchange and collaboration of information between companies on a value stream thanks to the cloud approach to be adopted (vf-Platform). The Open vf-OS covers from the control device level, where information from the systems (IoT, CPS, embedded systems) is gathered, processed and empowered.
Cloud level: Cygnus extension
The system blueprint is the FAR-EDGE RA. After having defined the requirements and the constraints for each block of the RA, a thorough analysis of the SotA has been done, which led to the identification of some existing software components meeting the specs. We then identified the gaps that the project will need to fill-in: not surprisingly, these where all the key enabling technologies, like the distributed ledger. However, hardly anything is going to be built totally from scratch in FAR-EDGE. The distributed ledger, for example, will be a customization of a generic, open source Blockchain platform (Hyperledger Fabric).
We are considering some core GEs from FIWARE as candidate building blocks of our Edge Computing architecture. In particular, the Publish/Subscribe GE (Orion Context Broker implementation) is a good candidate as the northbound interface exposed by Edge Gateways – i.e., computing nodes aggregating a number of local edge nodes (field devices, smart factory equipment) and running local automation and/or analytics processes. We are considering to significantly extend the Publish/Subscribe GE by adding distributed computing capabilities: a data context that is replicated and kept in-sync across a number of GE instances (running anywhere on the network), using a Blockchain and smart contracts as the backing technology. FAR-EDGE will contribute its results, as open source software, to the FIWARE for Industry community.
In the scope of FAR-EDGE, the value of FIWARE is in the OMA NGSI standard: a RESTful Web API implementing the publish/subscribe pattern on context information – i.e., a set of attributes representing the current state of some device or process. NGSI is the common language that FIWARE applications use to integrate themselves with the IoT world. For this reason, supporting NGSI in FAR-EDGE means opening up the Platform to the FIWARE community. The FIWARE asset that is crucial for the support of NGSI is Orion Context Broker (OCB), which as for all FIWARE Generic Enablers is open source software. In FAR-EDGE, we envision the use of OCB to implement the generic publish/subscribe interface of the Distributed Data Analytics subsystem
The Z-Break solution uses a variety of communication protocols. HTTP, OPC-UA, IEEE 802.15.4e and IEC WirelessHART. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. OPC UA supports two protocols. The binary protocol is opc.tcp://Server and http://Server is for Web Service. Otherwise OPC UA works completely transparent to the API. IEEE 802.15.4 is a technical standard which defines the operation of low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs). It specifies the physical layer and media access control for LR-WPANs, and is maintained by the IEEE 802.15 working group, which defined the standard in 2003. WirelessHART is a wireless sensor networking technology based on the Highway Addressable Remote Transducer Protocol (HART). Developed as a multi-vendor, interoperable wireless standard, WirelessHART was defined for the requirements of process field device networks. Also, it uses the NGSI protocol. NGSI is a protocol developed to manage Context Information. It provides operations like managing the context information about context entities, for example the lifetime and quality of information and access (query, subscribe/notify) to the available context Information about context Entities.
The AUTOWARE apps development will be supported and linked to the FIWARE. AUTOWARE approach is to connect and extend the FIWARE for Industry resources and assets to the end of digital automation community, so synergies emerge both in terms of multi-sided business opportunities and amount of resources that are made available to the cognitive automation community to build their autonomous solutions and apps.
FIWARE is a curated open source framework with components that can be assembled together with other third-party ones to accelerate the development of Smart Solutions. The Orion Context Broker is the core component of any “Powered by FIWARE” platform. It enables the system to perform updates and access to the current state of context.
FIWARE components are used within the A4BLUE architecture (context broker, CEP, identity management, collaborative asset management (FITMAN)).