PROGRAMS | PROGnostics based Reliability Analysis for Maintenance Scheduling
Z-BRE4K heavily contributes to the economic sustainability of the manufacturing sector by deploying an advanced maintenance solution aimed to attain zero unexpected breakdowns. In this regard, Z-BRE4K will avoid fatal failures, thus minimizing the breakdown times and need for spare parts and overhauls and will estimate the remaining useful life of critical subsystems of machinery, lines and shopfloor so that maintenance operations can be scheduled and optimized.
Cobots and in general HRC solutions, which can be used for multiple functions due to their flexibility in deployment, offer higher returns on investment and faster payback, compared to legacy industrial robots. Moreover, cobots’ safety features and ease of use make integration and implementation less costly than the traditional industrial robots. In high-cost countries, having skilled human workers engaged in suitable configured manufacturing, assembly, finishing and inspection operations side by side with cobots is one of the most cost- effective ways to leverage the unique value-adding capabilities of a skilled human workforce
ROSSINI delivers high performance HRC workcells, combining the safety of traditional cobots with the working speed and payloads of industrial robots, capable of optimising task execution. This triggers manufacturers’ investment in HRC technology, increasing European factories productivity and thus competitiveness versus low-cost manufacturers.
In two aspects: on the one hand productivity in the selection of the equipment (faster and reliable). On the other, productivity of the equipment in place thanks to specific services that analyse the productivity on eadh manufacturing process.
COALA's three use cases (textile, white goods, liquid production) will evaluate the COALA solution in their manufacturing processes with significant economic value.
The OPTIMAL project will integrate for the first-time different laser lithography technologies, quality monitoring systems and processes in one platform for the development of structures with high depth, dimensions in the range from 100 nm to sub-mm, 2D&3D shape on flat surface, combining parallel & serial patterning, no need for external treatments on samples, increased speed and large area.
PROGRAMS solution will allow to gain a “10% increased in-service efficiency through reduced failure rates, downtime due to repair, unplanned plant or production system outages and extension of component life.”
•reduced failure rates:All these aspects will reduce the costs related to maintenance activities, thus increasing the sustainability of the production process.