Projects overview

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Description Individualised production is an emerging trend in manufacturing.
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - HyproCell (Development and validation of integrated multiprocess HYbrid PROduction CELLs for rapid individualized laser-based production) Result description Laser-based Additive Manufacturing (LBAM) fits well with individualized production on demand, due to its ability to transform digital designs directly into physical products and thus enabling the small
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Description Roll-to-roll manufacturing is well established in many segments like electronics, micro manufacturing or solar technology.
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PoLaRoll (Polygon scanner based ultra-short pulse laser processing in roll-to-roll manufacturing) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PoLaRoll (Polygon scanner based ultra-short pulse laser processing in roll-to-roll manufacturing)
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Description The MANU-SQUARE project creates a European platform-enabled responsible ecosystem acting as a virtual marketplace, bringing available manufacturing capacity closer to production demand to achieve their
 Requirements for adopting digital B2B platforms for manufacturing capacity finding and sharing Result title Requirements for adopting digital B2B platforms for manufacturing capacity finding and sharing
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Comments Complex structures, geometries and scale Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future Customised products Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future
 Flexibility Taxon description (from
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Comments Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 2.1 Adaptive and smart manufacturing devices, components and machines FoF Partnership SRIA Research
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon title Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems
 RP 2.3 Symbiotic Safe and Productive human robot interaction, professional Service Robots and Multimodal Human-Machine-Robot Collaboration Taxon description Immersive and symbiotic collaboration between human workers and robots leads to a more efficient and flexible manufacturing environment.
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Comments Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Impact Workshop D1-Area 2: Micro and Nano-scale Manufacturing Impact Workshop Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing
 Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon title Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon description Micro- and nano manufacturing in particular demand specific approaches for intelligent, adaptive and scalable systems.
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Comments Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 2.1 Adaptive and smart manufacturing devices, components and machines FoF Partnership SRIA Research
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon title Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems
 RP 2.7 Micro-precision into micro and macro-production equipment Taxon description High-precision manufacturing and micro-manufacturing oblige precision manufacturing to increase with one order of magnitude the accuracy of conventional machines and controls.
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Comments Sub-Domain 2.1 Adaptive and smart manufacturing devices, components and machines Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems RP 2.4 Smart robotics - scaling up for flexible production and manufacturing
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon title Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on innovative manufacturing equipment at component and system level, including mechatronics, control and monitoring systems The research priorities
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Comments Integrated High-performance Computing in Factory Life Cycle Management FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon title Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on involving customers in manufacturing value chain, from product-process design to manufacturing-associated innovative services.
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Comments 2.1 Adaptive and smart manufacturing devices, components and machines Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems RP 2.4 Smart robotics - scaling up for flexible production and manufacturing FoF
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon title Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on innovative manufacturing equipment at component and system level, including mechatronics, control and monitoring systems The research priorities
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Comments Domain 6 - Customer-focused Manufacturing Impact Workshop D6-Area 1: Customer-centred Supply Chains Impact Workshop Domain 6 - Customer-focused Manufacturing Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon title Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on involving customers in manufacturing value chain, from product-process design to manufacturing-associated innovative services.
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Comments Manufacturing the products of the future Manufacturing future products Customised products Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future Economic sustainability Manufacturing
 Material efficiency Taxon description   Making a usable item out of thinner stock than a prior version increases the material efficiency of the manufacturing process.
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Comments Domain 2 - Adaptive and Smart Manufacturing Systems Impact Workshop D2-Area 1: Smart Industrial components Impact Workshop Domain 2 - Adaptive and Smart Manufacturing Systems Domain 2: Adaptive and smart
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon title Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems
 RP 2.6 Mechatronics and new machine architectures for high performance and resource-efficient manufacturing equipment Taxon description With the aim of ensuring competitiveness of manufacturing companies in a sustainable manner, the goal of high performance and reliability of manufacturing equipment must be achieved with a minimum of environmental
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Comments Economic sustainability Manufacturing performance characteristics NDE has a major impact on the cost of the manufacturing process.
 Manufacturing the products of the future Taxon title Manufacturing the products of the future
 RP 3.13 Integration of design methods and tools Taxon description The goal of interoperability asks for the development of an appropriate manufacturing framework and the development of enablers and technologies to address the following issues: the involvement of several
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Comments Resource efficient, sustainable products Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future Economic sustainability
 Advanced material processing technologies Taxon description Research is needed to ensure that novel manufacturing processes can efficiently exploit the potential of novel products for a wide range of applications.
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Comments Area 1: Networked Factories Impact Workshop Domain 4 - Collaborative and Mobile Enterprises Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing
 RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business Web for Supply Network Collaboration Taxon title RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business Web for Supply Network Collaboration Taxon description manufacturing services encompassing domains of customer collaboration, collaborative service management, and collaborative manufacturing.
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Comments Manufacturing the products of the future Manufacturing future products Des-MOLD is an intelligent knowledge-based system which presents the use of different Artificial Intelligence techniques to develop
 RP 3.9 System-oriented quality control strategies in multi-stage manufacturing. Taxon description With the market globalization, quality of products has become a key factor for success in the manufacturing industry.
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Comments Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Impact Workshop D1-Area 3: Laser-based Manufacturing Impact Workshop Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Number of patent applications Additional KPIs
 Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon title Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes Taxon description Micro- and nano manufacturing in particular demand specific approaches for intelligent, adaptive and scalable systems.
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Comments Customised products Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future IoT - Internet of Things Technologies and enablers Information and communication technologies Digital manufacturing
 RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business Web for Supply Network Collaboration Taxon description manufacturing services encompassing domains of customer collaboration, collaborative service management, and collaborative manufacturing.
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Comments Manufacturing the products of the future Manufacturing future products Methodologies for the (re-)design of Product-Service Systems and their support services.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon description See
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Comments Economic sustainability Manufacturing performance characteristics Circular economy Manufacturing performance characteristics Environmental sustainability Environmental sustainability Manufacturing
 Measurement, sensing, condition and performance monitoring technologies Taxon description Continuous monitoring of the condition and performance of the manufacturing system on component and machine level, enables sustainable and competive manufacturing, also by introducing autonomous diagnosis