I-MECH | Intelligent Motion Control Platform for Smart Mechatronic Systems


The broad I-MECH challenge is to bridge the gap between the latest research results and best industrial practice in advanced mechatronic motion control systems. Software and Hardware building blocks, featuring standardized interfaces, will be developed to deliver a complete I-MECH reference platform.

The project outputs will impact on the entire value chain of the production automation market.


The broad I-MECH challenge is to bridge the gap between the latest research results and best industrial practice in advanced mechatronic motion control systems. Software and Hardware building blocks, featuring standardized interfaces, will be developed to deliver a complete I-MECH reference platform.

The key Scientific and Technical objectives are:

  • to develop techniques for employment of advanced model-based methods for the design, real-time control and self-diagnosis of cyber-physical systems
  • to develop a smart Instrumentation Layer gathering visual and/or sensor information from supplementary instrumentation installed on the moving parts of the controlled system to enhance the achievable performance of the system
  • to develop modular unified, Hardware and Software motion control building blocks implementing a service-oriented architecture paradigm, i.e. smart Control Layer

To make I-MECH sustainable, the project outcomes will be available for European industry also through the envisioned I-MECH Center, after completion of the project.

Relevance and Impact

I-MECH will significantly strengthen European industrial competitiveness through the design and implementation of improved mechatronic smart systems. I-MECH will lead to improved machine performance and reliability as measured by a whole variety of parameters including response time, reliability, control bandwidth, control accuracy and error.

Furthermore, the model based approach will produce an expected 50% reduction in development time for control (sub) systems for mechatronic applications. The project outputs will impact on the entire value chain of the production automation market. The high added value of I-MECH reference platform will be directly verified in the fields of

  • high-speed/big CNC machining
  • additive manufacturing
  • semicon
  • high-speed packaging
  • healthcare robotics

Technical Innovation

I-MECH will develop a set of smart building blocks, embedding leading edge capabilities from our academic partners, which can be used for rapid development of the lower layers of these high performance motion control systems. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts will be used to achieve a high degree of configurability, scalability and interoperability of the individual components, while maintaining the reliability, safety, certifiability and time-to-market benefits of off the shelf solutions. The project vision is to provide enhanced motion control intelligence for wide range of CPS involving actively controlled moving elements. In consequence, such CPS will:

  • be able to measure the performance of its individual instrumented parts (drives, sensors, actuators, electronics)
  • optimize and adapt control actions according to condition and machine dynamics changes
  • be able to actively detect and reject residual vibrations when pushing machine performance to the physical limit
  • learn during repeating tasks and optimize its performance automatically
  • accommodate new sensors and actuators with different performance profiles
  • integrate multiple motion and control activities on multi-many core platforms

Key words: robotics, motion control, wireless communication, smart system integration, service-oriented, architecture, cyber-physical systems

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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: http://www.i-mech.eu
Start date: 01-06-2017
End date: 31-05-2020
Total budget - Public funding: 17 003 102,00 Euro - 5 018 644,00 Euro
Twitter: @IMECH_Project
Cordis data

Original description

The I-MECH target is to provide augmented intelligence for wide range of cyber-physical systems having actively controlled moving elements, hence support development of smarter mechatronic systems. They face increasing demands on size, motion speed, precision, adaptability, self-diagnostic, connectivity, new cognitive features, etc. Fulfillment of these requirements is essential for building smart, safe and reliable production complexes. This implies completely new demands also on bottom layers of employed motion control system which cannot be routinely handled by available commercial products. On the ground of this, the main mission of this project is to bring novel intelligence into Instrumentation and Control Layers mainly by bridging the gap between latest research results and industrial practice in related model based engineering fields. Next, I-MECH will deliver new interfaces and diagnostic data quality for System Behavior Layer. It strives to provide a cutting edge reference motion control platform for non-standard applications where the control speed, precision, optimal performance, easy reconfigurability and traceability are crucial. The high added value of I-MECH reference platform will be directly verified in high-speed/big CNC machining, additive manufacturing, semicon, high-speed packaging and healthcare robotics. In these sectors, the main project pilots will be validated. However, the platform will be applicable in many other generic motion control fields. The project outputs will impact on the entire value chain of the production automation market and, through envisioned I-MECH center, create sustainable proposition for future smart industry.



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Report - Video - Presentation - Publication....?
Result items:
Project type - instrument
Research & Innovation Action (RIA)
Standards, technical committees and working groups
Technologies and enablers
Mechatronics and robotics technologies
Control technologies
Intelligent machinery components, actuators and end-effectors
ICT performance characteristics
Interoperability (ICT)
General interoperability framework
Integration level interoperability
Connectivity & network interoperability – communication protocols
Comment: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts will be used to achieve a high degree of configurability, scalability and interoperability of the individual components, while maintaining the reliability, safety, certifiability and time-to-market benefits of off the shelf solutions.
Industrial Reference ICT Architectures
Reference Architectural Model Industrie 4.0 (RAMI 4.0)
RAMI 4.0 Hierarchy Axis
Field Device
Comment: I-MECH will develop a set of smart building blocks, embedding leading edge capabilities from our academic partners, which can be used for rapid development of the lower layers of these high performance motion control systems. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts will be used to achieve a high degree of configurability, scalability and interoperability of the individual components, while maintaining the reliability, safety, certifiability and time-to-market benefits of off the shelf solutions. The project vision is to provide enhanced motion control intelligence for wide range of CPS involving actively controlled moving elements. In consequence, such CPS will: - be able to measure the performance of its individual instrumented parts (drives, sensors, actuators, electronics) - optimize and adapt control actions according to condition and machine dynamics changes - be able to actively detect and reject residual vibrations when pushing machine performance to the physical limit - learn during repeating tasks and optimize its performance automatically - accommodate new sensors and actuators with different performance profiles - integrate multiple motion and control activities on multi-many core platforms
Manufacturing system levels
Manufacturing system levels
Field Device
Comment: I-MECH will develop a set of smart building blocks, embedding leading edge capabilities from our academic partners, which can be used for rapid development of the lower layers of these high performance motion control systems. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts will be used to achieve a high degree of configurability, scalability and interoperability of the individual components, while maintaining the reliability, safety, certifiability and time-to-market benefits of off the shelf solutions. The project vision is to provide enhanced motion control intelligence for wide range of CPS involving actively controlled moving elements. In consequence, such CPS will: - be able to measure the performance of its individual instrumented parts (drives, sensors, actuators, electronics) - optimize and adapt control actions according to condition and machine dynamics changes - be able to actively detect and reject residual vibrations when pushing machine performance to the physical limit - learn during repeating tasks and optimize its performance automatically - accommodate new sensors and actuators with different performance profiles - integrate multiple motion and control activities on multi-many core platforms
Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
ECSEL-2016-1 ECSEL Key Applications and Essential technologies (RIA)